


Ok, so I got some NL fem autoflowering seeds from nirvana and they threw in some himalayan kush seeds for free. I didn't realise or understand the NL were autoflowering so started 2 of them and one hk on 24/0 and switched to 12/12 after about 3 weeks. I hadn't heard of autoflowering before so just assumed I would be doing the same as I would with normal seeds. I was also experiencing some high heat issues and temps for 4 or 5 days were hitting 92 before I put in an extrator fan.

I chopped the hk down yesterday as that was quite obviously a male. This NL one has some pistils, balls and banana looking things. Its a hermie right? About 3 weeks since I switched to 12/12 and the pistils/balls have been showing for about 4 days. I guess I have messed this plant with light schedule/high temps etc.


Another question...I am using an NFT system. I got some more seeds germinating so if I decide to chop this plant and save the 3rd smaller plant (was about a week or so behind the other two) then what nutrients would I need to use? Bearing in mind I would have one plant flowering and the others vegging? I am guessing you can't mix flowering and vegging plants in a NFT system.

Sorry if these are dumb/obvious questions.


Thanks for replies. I've been in denial for a few days and knew the plants were male and hermies. They have all been chopped now so I'm starting again. I had heard from other sites that the nirvana are having issues with their auto's. Wish I'd done my homework first with them and prepared myself better as I've just wasted the last 5 weeks.


Well-Known Member
yeah...they did pull all of their auto strains...due to breeder issues ive heard.they are not doing as they are described to do....but an idea for your plant...dutch masters make a solution called reverse....it removes the male genetics from hermie plants and turns them back to 100% female...id look into since your other plants were males...get some good bud out of it if you keep it from getting preggers


Well-Known Member
ya never herd that about nirvana's autos but makes sense, have met a few ppl with hermie autos who purchased from nirvana. they also dont have a huge selection of autos so.

and next time you grow autos you dont sex them like a normal plant by turning the lights on 12/12, you just let them grow on 24/0 if you like, they are mixed with the ruderalis plant wich has no photo period, it just wants LIGHT as much as it can get it, so it sexes or flowers on its own, about 3-4 weeks veg. and 5-6 flower. i have mine flowering (flushing 2nd time on the 28th, then harvest :)) on 18/6 with a 1000watt HPS on a light mover, they are doing awsome!

heres a pic i took about a week ago



Hey, thanks for your help. Yeah I know about the lighting periods for auto's now. I didn't understand before which is what pisses me off, rushing head first into it without fully understanding what I was growing. Hmm..well I'm hoping that I may have contributed to the hermie plants (light schedule/high temps) as I have seeds from the same batch and I would be gutted if I had a funny batch and these turned out hermies too. That is some fine looking bud there mate!!!