

This is my 1st grow.... My girls are about 6 weeks in to flowering on the 12/12 cycle. This morning I notice in a couple of spot on a few stems some little balls. I know these are feminine seeds that I got. So I'm thinking I had a light leak & they hermed on me.

I counted & they are probably in 4 spots on BOTH of my girls. They are the only 2 in the 12/12 room. They are about 4 feet tall... I knw that's pretty big for an indoor grow.

Ur input would be a great help. I'm about 2 & 1/2 weeks from harvest.. please advise

-How do I get rid of the balls?
-Do I just dump the girls (are they worthless)?
-Is this a fixable problem?


Well-Known Member
you could try to pick them off as soon as they grow, since youre so close to harvest.


Well-Known Member
Will that work?? Just picking them off???? Will the seedlings comeback? will I have seeds in my flower?
Yes it works, jus remove the pollen sacks. It may come back but just keep an eye out and pluck anymore that show up. No you will not have seeds unless you let the balls open up and release the pollen. Just pull em off and you will be fine. Since you only have two plants in flower it will be easy to check once a day.


Active Member
just pullthem off carefully,, i av had this problem about the same amount as u and around the same time in flower had no seeds in my bud and allturned out well !


just pullthem off carefully,, i av had this problem about the same amount as u and around the same time in flower had no seeds in my bud and allturned out well !
Whats the best way 2 tell if I have a hermie??? I just remember a couple of days ago I started using 'Shooting Powder'. This is my 1st grow, I think I may be overracting. Can anyone post a pic of a hermie? or tell me the Characteristics??

What I'm seeing are lil circle balls comming right outta the main stems near where the buds are flowering. Is this a result of using the shooting powder? I googled Hermie plants & I say nothing that resembled what I am seeing..?


I checked a couple of hermie pics. They actually are growing a lil stem, then at the end you see the Sac. What I'm seeing is the "sac" growing right outta my main stems... IS that a Hermie?