

Active Member
Well i have 2 herrm. plants male characteriscs showed only in flowering, but there is one thing i cant decide on and thats when to harvest.?
Now i am to late to remove the polen sacks because i already got 2 seeds( i only released its hermie really late.) Yet i took 2 buds last night and there was only 1 seed in them- most of the sacks where emty. I have about 5- 10 % .. orange trih do they will get to the 70 % or should i harvest imediatly?

sorry if i posted in the wrong slec.


Active Member
Whats the % of cloudy trichs?
So i have 2 plants
Nothern lights auto
Quick one

Nother lights is about 5- 14% cloudy, and the quick is a lot whiter i think its like 4,5 % only.

So will the Hermies still go to the 70 %? As i sead i have harvested 2 seeds alredy, yet they where no big ones