Hermies not showing them selfs?

Apomixis hasn't been found to be prevalent in cannabis from the brief Google-Fu I’ve just done. It was found in dandelions and even maximum yield explain what it is but don’t link it to cannabis.
Maximum Yield is no credible source anyway
Just because it hasn't officially been described is 0 proof of it still happening
It has been described to happen more abd more among dicots and there are patents that can make it work in many species, including Cannabis
How has this gone on for 2 pages? Obviously one or more plants has hermed and you just haven't found the male parts yet. With 18 plants you could search for hours and still not find any if they're well hidden.
How has this gone on for 2 pages? Obviously one or more plants has hermed and you just haven't found the male parts yet. With 18 plants you could search for hours and still not find any if they're well hidden.
Pollenized pistills auto-die and recede (they "get red")
Maximum Yield is no credible source anyway
Just because it hasn't officially been described is 0 proof of it still happening
It has been described to happen more abd more among dicots and there are patents that can make it work in many species, including Cannabis

Can you cite a source for the cannabis end of it please?
oh you can count to 18?
it's genetic (yeah I know you can't read studies) & can also be caused by hormones (the hormone causes a gene expression)
so if it can happen at one part of the plant chances are good it could happen at other sites as well
it's logical and likely
but some seem pollen everywhere and don't trust on science due to religious fanatism
So do you believe its genetics? Thats what I think. Anyone know anything about perfecttreeseeds ? Insta hype strains
Are they beginning to harden etc or are they squishy and filled with a form of sap?

This could literally be just some bracts that are swelling early etc.

Apomixis hasn't been found to be prevalent in cannabis from the brief Google-Fu I’ve just done. It was found in dandelions and even maximum yield explain what it is but don’t link it to cannabis.
A picture of a bud not pollinated and blurry pics of bracts or seeds. Note the biggest one looks like it has a pistil coming out of it. If they were seeds, they would have hardened some by this point not be squishy. I vote bracts.
So do you believe its genetics? Thats what I think. Anyone know anything about perfecttreeseeds ? Insta hype strains
I think that it may occur sooner or later as there are many threads done with that and with all the genetic diversity within cannabis I say chances are high.
I've had the same occuring to me years ago and surprisingly only 1 genetic (2 plants) carried these seeds out of 7 in a tent that had high ventilation.
Well, just grow on. Maybe some seeds are going to fully mature. If you sprout them then Apomixis-seeds will be 100% clones of their mother ("clonal seeds" they are refered to and that is a huge positive asset if you think how genetics can deterioriate in vigour from F1 to next generation).
If it's due to a hemp pollen flown into your growdpace you'll get some vastly different plant.
Some excerpts from a large article on cannabis breeding:

"The photoperiod could be the input that, when not understood properly, can be the difference in pinnacle inflorescences or an expensive waste of effort. No other facet of cannabis growing affects hormone production more than the solar cycles. Inconsistency in photoperiods or interruptions in sleep schedule will trigger unwanted stresses such as asexual seeding or apomixis specifically though agamospermy. [17]"

"To bring a desirable phenotype to seed, inducing apomixis in one of two methods can be used to limit the amount of variability in the F1 population. One technique involves selecting a single candidate and transforming her into a male pollinator by deliberately disturbing the critical photoperiod and causing a hermaphroditic change. In a wild setting, this survival mechanism engages in the event of a shortened flowering time or unsuccessful fertilization. This allows the cannabis plant to produce a progeny regardless of the situation given the chance to have a competent vegetative phase. This technique exploits this mechanism in a controlled manner to create a germplasm. After selecting an individual plant to induce apomixis, this individual can be used to pollinate a single female to produce a progeny that will express favorable traits in a narrower variability within that phenotype."

Some of the sources state Apomixis mostly occurs in dicot flowering plants of "the rosy type". Well, that's not a proof but close enough to warrant attention.

They say it's also affected by polyploidity and this is something that has been used with cannabis for some time now.
For example, California-based Dark-Heart Industries soon sell triploid drug-Cannabis that is infertile to pollenization and these seeds stem from, at least, 1 polyploid parent.
