Hermies or Femmes


Active Member
Ok, guys I'm a newer grower and this is my first successful from seed crop. I had 6 plants and got rid of 2 males. Im 9 days into flowering and did give them a 36 hour of dark to jump start flowering.
Now, i know what females and males are supposed to look like ie: grapes for boys and hairs for girls.
Question is I have 4 left that have all shown the white hairs on the tops and one that is really going with quite a few white hairs on several branches. The issue is they all also have small balls well they are more shaped like a spade in a deck of cards. One of the plants has white hairs but also what look like seed pods to me they are kinda big but there is not a grape-like cluster its just one on each node with one plant having several large ones and the other plants just having tiny ones. Are these all hermies or are these just calyx's?
The only stress they have had is a mag defeciency that I have sucessfully treated.



Active Member
try to get closer and more clear pics. they appear female, but questionable with out clearer photos. looks like you might have a nitrogen dif. :weed:


Active Member
I can't see any balls or pistils in any of those pics.

Why are you giving 36 hours of dark to start flower. Unnecessary and possibly stressed your plants doing so


Active Member
Well I did the 24-36 hours dark period befor going to 12/12 because Ive seen it written on here many times that it will make them flower up to a week early and that is what my dad has always done and hes been growing for over 20 years unfortunatley hes not around to help me now...
There are definatley pistils on all 4 plants so I know they are either female or hermie, I just cant beleive all 4 would hermie on me. I am just now starting to feed them and am ordering a 400w HPS and some FF Tiger Bloom, I will give them some nutes the next time I water in a few days to help with any defeciences.
I tried to take as good pics as I could with my camera, I will try to take a few more and see if I can get better ones. Thanks for any and all help. Appreciate it.


Active Member
Ok, here are a few more pics. My camera just doesnt take very good pics even in macro mode so these are the best I can do. Give me your opinions.
Ok the first and last pic is the same plant. You can clearly see the pistils in the first pic indicating female and in the last pic is the "balls" im worried about...
Hopefully these pics will help you help me a little better.
Also, do any of you other guys agree an the Nitrogen def.? I do have some of the lowest leaves turning very yellow. I have diagnosed this as a Mag. defeciency as I also had some rust looking spots that looked just like the pics for mag def. in the self help section of RUI and have only feed with Bat guana twice during the 4 weeks of veg. and feed some of the Schults African Violet + food during flowering. I have been afraid of overfeeding and over watering as I did this with my other succesful clone grow. Im using CFL's and a very good Organic soil with sea based nutrients. As I said before I plan to use no more of the Schultz and am ordering a 400w HPS and FF nutes to finish for the last 6-8 weeks. Let me know what you all think



Active Member
Yeah thats what I was thinking. Whats the chances lol to have all 4 of them turn Hermie. Two of them are snocap seeds 2 from random bag seed. So, Since it looks like I got a whole batch of effing He/shes what you guys think I ought to do? Cut them all done and start over or let them all finish flowering? Is the bud gonna be any good at all? Wont they grow femmed seeds? This really effing sucks just wasted almost 6 weeks of time. Thanks guys for all your suggestions and help.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats what I was thinking. Whats the chances lol to have all 4 of them turn Hermie. Two of them are snocap seeds 2 from random bag seed. So, Since it looks like I got a whole batch of effing He/shes what you guys think I ought to do? Cut them all done and start over or let them all finish flowering? Is the bud gonna be any good at all? Wont they grow femmed seeds? This really effing sucks just wasted almost 6 weeks of time. Thanks guys for all your suggestions and help.
i'd kill them.


Well-Known Member
Why don't you just call your dad up to help you? Would be way quicker. That 36 hour shit is bullshit bro. Don't believe the hype on here also known as growing taboos. I just do 12 hours of darkness the first day I want to flower. Just kill them cause hermi smoke will cause depression sometimes if you think bad thoughts. Not to mention it only gives a buzz. Who's to tell that 36 hour shit turned yor plants hermie? :peace:


Active Member
Why don't you just call your dad up to help you? Would be way quicker. That 36 hour shit is bullshit bro. Don't believe the hype on here also known as growing taboos. I just do 12 hours of darkness the first day I want to flower. Just kill them cause hermi smoke will cause depression sometimes if you think bad thoughts. Not to mention it only gives a buzz. Who's to tell that 36 hour shit turned yor plants hermie? :peace:
Cant call dad wish I could he passed...
Um yeah pretty sure all 4 are hermies. I guess there goes homegrown bud by Thanksgiving. I musta done something bad wrong to hermie 4 out of 6 plants.
I have grown successfully before from clone and did have a little over nute/water stress but still went all the way to harvest. So, I dont know just hate to start all over again, very discouraging.
Well Ill give them a couple more days as I cant order seeds till next Friday anyhow.:wall:


Active Member
Update: I harvested these Hermies and ended up with about 4.5 oz of good smoke off 3 Hermed plants, I also got about 60 or so seeds, which are 10 days into flowering as we speak. I'm glad that I went through with this grow, I ended up with some pretty good smoke and some hopefully feminized seeds (we will see in a few days to a week).