heroic doses of lsd


Well-Known Member
haha i dont think you get it. i didnt even go outside till after my trip. i was stuck on a couch for most of it. stuff just looked different the next day after i came off the acid.

your not an ass, and yes you should try lsd asap.
OOOooooh kind of like mushroom flashbacks? Everything changes...?


Well-Known Member
not a flashback, just residual effects the next day. i guess it was such an intense experience maybe it erased some of the memory in my brain of what trees were there before the trip... haha im highhh:mrgreen:


Active Member
My best tripping experience was when I went camping with one of my buddy's from Denver. He brought some mushroom chocolates, a vile of the purest liquid I ever had, and a 2 liter of this shit called JUN. JUN is an herbal fermented tea that makes you feel like you took a handful of vicodin but in a good way lol. Anyway the first night we each ate a chocolate then puddled up some doses. We took like 5 to start, but then took a couple more when we stopped peaking. He had a light up frisbee we fucked with for a while, but then we drank some JUN and took a night walk in the woods. We found this big indian burial ground and I swear to this day we communicated with indian spirits that night. It was crazy.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
My best tripping experience was when I went camping with one of my buddy's from Denver. He brought some mushroom chocolates, a vile of the purest liquid I ever had, and a 2 liter of this shit called JUN. JUN is an herbal fermented tea that makes you feel like you took a handful of vicodin but in a good way lol. Anyway the first night we each ate a chocolate then puddled up some doses. We took like 5 to start, but then took a couple more when we stopped peaking. He had a light up frisbee we fucked with for a while, but then we drank some JUN and took a night walk in the woods. We found this big indian burial ground and I swear to this day we communicated with indian spirits that night. It was crazy.

Damn thats a trip man, an Indian burial ground, that would trip me out haha. The craziest thing i ever found while trippin was a deer foot... just the foot haha..


Active Member
lol no, just punching/kicking/stomping/threatening them? Were they more than just trees in that trippin state of mind? Did they punch/kick/stomp/threaten you? I'm seriously curious for I want to try LSD in the future, I'm not trying to be an ass if that is how I'm coming across:eyesmoke:
you probably wont have anything like that happen unless you take a large dose. when you see visuals you should still know whats going on and that it is just your mind playing tricks from the drug. acid is great. it's not nearly as dangerous as ppl talk it up to be. however your state of mind is extremely altered. 1 bad thing can make your trip do a 180 and be a frightening several hours. thats why whenever i do it, i plan everything out. i turn my phone and everything off. if something bad happen to a friend or family member or anything at all involving you or drama, it the last thing you should hear while tripping. save it for the next day when your in a better state of mind. thats really the only thing i get paranoid of while tripping. you want to have control of everything possible. 1 small sad thing can set you into deep depression. i can only image how scary it would be for cops to show up lol. a friend of mine one time was so fucked up off acid his neighbor found him leaning over the hood of his car only partially conscious. they helped him up the stairs to his apartment. they must of thought he was drunk cause he is a known drunk and has slight brain damage(hes cool and harmless tho, just a few issues). he seen a pile of snow on a step and thought it was his dog dead lying there. he freaked the fuck out and got all violent yelling and crying who killed my dog! i guess they eventually got him inside and he seen his dog was alive and safe. not sure what happen after but he probably drank himself to sleep. hope you enjoy someday! be safe!


Well-Known Member
you probably wont have anything like that happen unless you take a large dose. when you see visuals you should still know whats going on and that it is just your mind playing tricks from the drug. acid is great. it's not nearly as dangerous as ppl talk it up to be. however your state of mind is extremely altered. 1 bad thing can make your trip do a 180 and be a frightening several hours. thats why whenever i do it, i plan everything out. i turn my phone and everything off. if something bad happen to a friend or family member or anything at all involving you or drama, it the last thing you should hear while tripping. save it for the next day when your in a better state of mind. thats really the only thing i get paranoid of while tripping. you want to have control of everything possible. 1 small sad thing can set you into deep depression. i can only image how scary it would be for cops to show up lol. a friend of mine one time was so fucked up off acid his neighbor found him leaning over the hood of his car only partially conscious. they helped him up the stairs to his apartment. they must of thought he was drunk cause he is a known drunk and has slight brain damage(hes cool and harmless tho, just a few issues). he seen a pile of snow on a step and thought it was his dog dead lying there. he freaked the fuck out and got all violent yelling and crying who killed my dog! i guess they eventually got him inside and he seen his dog was alive and safe. not sure what happen after but he probably drank himself to sleep. hope you enjoy someday! be safe!
Thanks! For sharing knowledge and encouragement

I'll definitely do that since I already knew to do that for mushrooms but it makes sense to take the same precautions for acid. I've got a hook until the end of this month sooo I'll probably be trippin soon...