Hexo also discloses it is selling one of its facilities and may not be able to continue operations.
Not good enough, personally i always hoped this early monopoly to go bankrupt and my reasons already been explained a dozen times around here, for example:
The news on mass-media channels of Québec recently, 3 months from the federal polls... (2019-Jul-30)
Remember his 2015 electoral promise to make it "incidental" next time you vote... (2019-Aug-25)
Canadian cannabis company Hexo cuts 200 jobs as Canadian market lags expectations (2019-Oct-26)
Not to mention i ain't having a change of mind now that this LP has moved to Ontario! My only regret being that i learned about it kind of late, while it should have made the news in January apparently.
The day Hydropothecary/Hexo becomes history i'll simply conclude that's long awaited justice. Never forget those people discussed with other companies about using a
BANNED poison known as
myclobutanil, which the consumers themselves happened to turn into
hydrogen cyanide by lightning up (e.g. the smoking habit covered up evidence and that's dishonest enough)!
In addition i find this utterly cynical once informed that
HCN also served to kill jews in Germany's extermination camps, hence the name
Zyklon (cyclone)... Worse, in an attempt to make us forget such "mistake" this very same LP eventually announced offering "
kosher" although it's a totally senseless label when smoked!! Then their rebranding as Hexo seemed to correspond to at least 4
dead floating fish occurences in river La Lièvre, though the few rare editorialists to report it prefered to put some vague blame on "gases" in the water anyway.
In any case it's no secret that the
NON-DETECTION concentration level of myclobutanil was published thanks to them, and now that there are 96+ Pest Control Products on H.-C.'s list we'd be gullible/naïve not to expect the same was done to design savvy PCP soups where each individual ingredient can "pass" test limits requiring fancy/expensive analysis material (+ skilled operators...) simply to perform detection. Now that blockchain certification is in the air this could mean more LP-convenient cover-up while individual toxicity effects don't only add up: they multiply collectively. Which implies it's now OKay to spray PCPs by the dozen as long as individual traces don't trigger any radar - and that's beyond shameful IMO...
Keep in mind never before there's ever been proper studies done in such twisted/deviant context, which means consumers who already get punished with questionable quality, inflated price-tags and over-taxation also support bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionist "science" as guinea-pigs, eventually leading to many more decades of contaminated statistics data bound to reflect novel mari-caca illnesses never heard of before!
M'well, i could go on like this but i'm hoping someday a true journalist shall honestly consider to align the dots.
Money speaks in normal economy but in my province we just can't express a real choice. Consequently i'm genuinely delighted to read that Hexo is finally harvesting what they seeded while betraying our population. It's nothing more to me than poetic justice when such monopoly predators hit the wall but i'd have wished it were also public knowledged that's actually because they installed chronic mass-poisoning as a standard industrial practice - never sanctioned proportionately to their socio-toxic "contribution".
Good day, have fun!!