hey all


Active Member
Hey everybody figured i'd jump on here and get some opinions from yall. I've grown outdoor before with no other help then the sun, now that i relocated to oregon, i decided to start a stealth hydro grow... i've chosen to go with the 3ft ghost stealth box from unique hydroponics, http://unique-hydroponics.com/product/kush-cabinet-stealth-grow-box/ ... the lights are 20 watt cfls, and there stationary, i figured i could put in a hood that i can lower & raise if need be, next question is what light setup can i put in there without causing too many issues? This is all for my own personal use so im not after quantity as much as quality, i do intend to possibly stick a few t5's in the corner of the box when i order it. So yea fire away :D pick apart my plan and find the flaws..

Here's a few pics i saved from my outdoor grow i did ... oh also i found another company but im unsure so has anyone dealt with colorado growbox?


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Well-Known Member
dont buy a box.. make one if youre going for stealth. that way when youre ready to upgrade, no problems. also that thing with more lights in it would be super cramped. look into some stealth grows, youll find some cool shit. also.. my preference is HID.. id look into getting a 250 watt setup if you are trying to stay small. look into it and really do some research before you throw down some money


Well-Known Member
It's so small for a primary garden. Maxes out at what, 2 ounces? Not even enough to get through the grow season.

Look into measure 91... I think you're allowed to grow something legally. Why even bother paying for stealth when it isn't necessary?


Well-Known Member
HMMMM.. I considered the very same box a few years ago before my first grow. Glad I did not follow through. I would not have been happy with quantity or quality (with just a few cfls the plant size and THC content will be diminished). So, got a 36" X 20' X 60' tent for under $60.00 on ebay..I don't regret it for moment. For indoor growing HID is preferred. A lot of folks are going LED now but you should do a lot of research before jumping on that bandwagon.

Depending on their age it may be appropriate to explain to the kiddies why you need medicinal cannabis. It is legal where you live and surely you cannot keep them from exposure to or knowledge of the worlds most feared plant. Better to come from you then someone who does not have their best interest in mind...but hey, not really my call they are your kids...I was just thinking out loud.

Good Luck and Great Growing


Well-Known Member
HMMMM.. I considered the very same box a few years ago before my first grow. Glad I did not follow through. I would not have been happy with quantity or quality (with just a few cfls the plant size and THC content will be diminished). So, got a 36" X 20' X 60' tent for under $60.00 on ebay..I don't regret it for moment. For indoor growing HID is preferred. A lot of folks are going LED now but you should do a lot of research before jumping on that bandwagon.

Depending on their age it may be appropriate to explain to the kiddies why you need medicinal cannabis. It is legal where you live and surely you cannot keep them from exposure to or knowledge of the worlds most feared plant. Better to come from you then someone who does not have their best interest in mind...but hey, not really my call they are your kids...I was just thinking out loud.

Good Luck and Great Growing
can i get a link to that tent, sounds like a decent little breeding tent for what im going for.. price is right


Active Member
Im still not entirely sure what im gonna do yet still debating. Im just looking at it like the dispensary doesnt always have your preferred strain, i change my mind too much :D