Hey any folks here know me??


Well-Known Member
Why have this thread go away? If the "perception" is that he brags....2 words for that "oh well". Then you have the option of not reading it. It's like censorship with t.v. You know the parents that say this or that shouldn't be on t.v. My belief is if you don't like what's on T.V. or on the net just change the channel.


Well-Known Member
yeah, definately understand that...

thats exactly what my original response to this whole thread was when people were bitching at LouGrew


Well-Known Member
Right on Graf. I was just too lazy to go through this 25 page thread. Gonna go burn one....or 2.


Well-Known Member
Any chance you were a friend of Norm Siefken or Smokey in B.C.? If that's the case, I think I just might know who you are.

(And P.S... Fuck Norman. I caught him urinating in his grow-op one night when he was piss drunk. No excuse for that, especially if you run THC Seeds).


Well-Known Member
Nope never heard of him or saw any of his pics. Lou Rawls the famous singer? Lou Diamond Philips the actor?


Well-Known Member
I really didn't get to this thread till just now..I am glad most of you folks felt the same way . By the time I got half way through his first post I was thinkin'
" Wow- what a tool...."

Impressive grow, unimpressive grower IMHO.


Well-Known Member
but did you see them? there were like 27 thousand of them in a 10 x 10 yard. 1/8th ounce a plant. that's growing!!


Well-Known Member
I just spent the better part of the last 45 minutes reading this entire thread....Must say...Glad I missed it when it started.

Dude has some ego issues....coupled with shitty attitude.

Growing lots of bud NEVER makes any less of an ass. Lou's proof of this.

**poof **


Well-Known Member
After reading through this entire thread, I stand by my original statement.
This Lou guy is not only stupid for advertising a serious FELONY grow like this
all over the internet, but he is in fact a serious attention seeking tool.

Honestly either he is lying and is growing legally as a medical marijuana co-op
supplier or selling to the gov. or something and trying to make us think he
is " the man " OR he is the dumbest drug dealer alive for plastering pics and
full descriptions and logs on the internet of his grow that could get him
a serious stretch in prison OR these aren't pics of his garden, and he's just
a tool with no grow. For his sake I am hoping its the first or last option here.

And from his inane ramblings I am guessing that IF this is infact his garden
he is only on the net blabbing about his grow when he's not busy telling his
real-life friends about his grow.. ( if he has friends that can stand him. )

Anyhow most people really don't want or need 866 plants or w/e the hell it
was. The real money isn't in pot anyway if you want to crunch numbers.

Props to FDD for pointing out his poor growing skills via the plant to yield

I am not " jealous " of your grow ( well a little!) but the reason I took the
time to write this is your obnoxious and annoying attitude with a side of
bragging.If that really is your grow you need to keep your trap shut, stop
telling ppl about the big operation, and tell anyone yo u have told in real life
that you are out of business or something...

Good luck on getting your shit together!