Hey Buds, hows my budz look?


Active Member
Nice title lol. I say 3-5 weeks depending on strain and growing conditions. Get a cheap jewelers loop and inspect the trichs, that's the best way to tell from what I understand. You can find out more about it, it's all over the net.


Well-Known Member
I agree with every one else here. 4 to six weeks. She looks happy tho keep up the good work. STAY HIGH!!!


Active Member
Damn sexy. I've seen hairs turn befor harvest. Not sure about the leaves know some yellow but falling off is new to me. Best wishies mang.


Active Member
Looking good bro. Biggest mistake you can make is harvesting to early! I'm going with Penyajo on this one, 4-6 weeks. What kind of setup are you working with? So far the leaves around the buds are looking a healthy green, those are the ones you want to make sure stay that way. More leaves that can photosynthesise (don't know if that's a word) near the buds, the bigger the buds! At least that makes sense in my brain :) don't know if it is scientificaly accurate. Anyway, just give it time and keep a close eye on how they respond to your nutrients. 2 things I have learned about growing cannabis : Don't over fert and don't harvest to early.


Well-Known Member
Looking good bro. Biggest mistake you can make is harvesting to early! I'm going with Penyajo on this one, 4-6 weeks. What kind of setup are you working with? So far the leaves around the buds are looking a healthy green, those are the ones you want to make sure stay that way. More leaves that can photosynthesise (don't know if that's a word) near the buds, the bigger the buds! At least that makes sense in my brain :) don't know if it is scientificaly accurate. Anyway, just give it time and keep a close eye on how they respond to your nutrients. 2 things I have learned about growing cannabis : Don't over fert and don't harvest to early.
Thanks for the advice man! I'm working with a ghetto Cfl Card board box setup. I ordered a grow tent for next time around, working on procuring a 400W HPS/MH and ventilation plans. I'm also currently using FF big bloom @ two cap fulls to two liters. Approximately 2 table spoons every other watering. Should this be adjusted?


Well-Known Member
Okay so I got my days all messed up. I just took these pictures today and started flowering on Sept 8, so that would be 35 days? Dunno how I originally F'd that time-line up. I have bee experiencing handfulls of leaves turning yellow then drying up turning brittle and brown then just falling off. The odor in the box smells like fall in the woods. Other than the leaves falling off the plants seem real healthy. 2ft with one inch thick stems at the base. The buds look more and more engorged each day. It almost looks like seed pods forming but I know they are virgins I'm watering with straight water. They take 2 liters each every two days or so. I just judge by the weight of the plants and if I see any drooping. I average between 75-80F during the day to 65-70F at night. With humidity being around 50 to 60%. I do spray them down with a mister when the humidity drops every other day or so. PH is all good. Comments? Questions? Most of all, ADVICE? Damn I'm ripped.

