Hey Can Someone Help Me With Growing =]


Active Member
Hey hope all is well
im a first time grower so this is what i have done

Ive placed a few seeds inbetween damp cotton wool in a dark cubboard, now some of the seeds have cracked and have longish white tails

Now what?

I would like if possible to grow them in my room under a light or put in a pot full of soil out in the sun, what soil must i use like from my garden?

can anyone just let me know what to do

thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
first off welcome to RIU! read the grow faqs section at the top left it will have all the info you need and prob answer most your questions. to start you off most people will agree to try and avoid miracle grow for soil because of its slow time realese nutrients i reccomend fox farm ocean forrest for soil it works wonders. if you are going to be growing inside make sure wherever it is that you are doing it can be COMPLETELY DARK when your lights are off any light leaks can casue stress on the plant and turn them hemaphordite. most people start there photoperiods (lighting schedule) with 18 hours on 6 hours off for the vegetative stage of the plants life. after she has "vegged" for a sufficient amount of time usually 1 and a half to 2 months you switch the photoperiods to 12 on 12 off. There is so much more info you should educater yourself with if you have not already like how to tell if its male or female and when. that is why you should read the grow faqs man. good luck and if you have any specific questions after readin up on your stuff jus ask