Cool, thanks

That's good to know. Sorry if I offended you, it's just that where I went to school, I felt that many teachers didn't care much about the students and more about the paycheck. I could of course be wrong and It was wrong of me to say it in that way. I feel really bad now.. obviously they all know more then me in life experience, I never doubted that, I think I just stated my opinion in a poor fashion. I am grateful for what positive things I got from them though.
I'm not offended at all. Don't feel bad, the media and politicians have gone to great lengths to make you think the USA lost Vietnam over there. Nothing could be further from the truth. The military kicked arse over there as they should every time they are called upon. The USA has the finest fiercest military machine the world has ever known. No one can withstand us on the battlefield..... no one. What the media and politicians don't tell you is the complete story of political and media betrayal. They don't mention how during the TET offensive, the NVA failed to obtain a SINGLE objective. Not one. Now they did get close, and they did encroach on the journalists who were back drinking cocktails in the rear. The journalists promptly WET their pants (because they aren't trained), and panicked the stories.
The USA lost the war when Walter Cronkite got on prime time and announced HIS OPINION. He was quite wrong as history now shows. Remember there was only like 7 channels of TV back then and Cronkite was a news kingpin....but also a pin head.
History now records that the NVA were ready to throw in the towel after the TET failure. It was the last of any sort of regular troops they could muster, and their losses were horrific, and a failure to boot. The North Vietnamese government was willing to INDUCE the peace talks on our terms.... until they watched Walter. Then they knew it was merely a waiting game....
Vietnam lost 15% of it's population because of our withdrawal..... liquidated by the they always do. Remember that historically all societies that have inflicted genocide on their OWN ppl, has all come from socialist left regimes...never the right.
I wonder what the difference is in pay between a Canadian highschool teacher and one from the USA? I guess I never really thought about it. I felt like most of my teachers lived fairly comfortably but now that I think about it, it's probably mostly 'cause they were married and had two incomes and only one house.
About 40 lbs....
That's nice.... you are wrong of course, but you go ahead and believe what you wish.
Go easy on him dude...remember English is his second language!
They taught us that Vietnam was a "Police Action" (as with Korea) and that we just left...South Vietnam lost the war...we lost ~60,000 boys...for nothing...This was 10 years after the war.
Students think teachers are rich because principals want them to dress above their pay grade.

Not for nothing..... communist aggression was halted in that region because of Vietnam. It was the death knell for the Soviet Unions aspirations of a global communist take over.
nice....who's next?...Iran?....maybe North Korea???
One can only hope that the military will be allowed to show those two countries the meaning of the word discipline.