hey! check this out!


Active Member
heartbreaks... man... i just had 3 plants turn out male, started with 4.. this is my only remaining plant that was female.
clone her!!!!
heat stress? ill look into that. thanks for the heads up. my temps got to 88 yesterday. just re openedthe window an hour ago and it went from 85 to 73. but my hps generates alot of heat. just raised it 4 inches, its now 12-14 inches away.
is around 75 daytime and 60 nightime good for temps?
your opinion is appreciated.
thanks guys.
happy growing. ;)
I also use a 400w and mine sits about 12 inches away. That is though because any closer and my leaf tips start to curl up just like urs are doing in that last pic you have of it....your temps are money though keep them in that range should do well


Well-Known Member
yuppers, get a cloner my friend...

even a little daisy cloner if you're only growing a couple at a time. one suggestion tho if you do get one, dont get the shallow types, or build one yourself for cheap, just get or make it a deep one for root space and put an airstone at the bottom of it for when the roots hit the water..


Active Member
ive made a dwc cloner before. and i would clone her but its already week 3 in flowering. even the very bottom branch has a tinybud on it, soitd be a bad idea to clone and revert to veg.