Hey guy new here working on a grow set up in central florida


Hey guy I have been Doing plenty of research and want a all year around set up in fl where temps exceed 90 often In summers just need help with some of the more technical like venting… If I built a 8x8 room in my garage insulated and tapped into my house AC or get a window unit. at that point do you guys recomend non venting with a cheap co2 set up or is that way to complicated for a beginner? I dont have 10k to drop but 1-2k to get a good correct start is possible thanks in advance!
PS looked Into co2 system because I’m worried about Maintaining temps during summer if I vent.
opt 2 would be maybe a 6x6 room with 4x4 tent AC entire room and vent tent outsife the 6x6 and pull air into the tent from 6x6 sealed room? All help is appreciated thanks!!
If your a beginner skip C02 for first couple runs and start implementing it when you have your environment dialed in, not before.
If your a beginner skip C02 for first couple runs and start implementing it when you have your environment dialed in, not before.
If your a beginner skip C02 for first couple runs and start implementing it when you have your environment dialed in, not before.
Thanks for quick response I was thinking the same thing obviously simpler the better when starting what would be my best bet to vent/ still keep good temperatures? In a 10x10 do u think I could just grow inside with good Insulation and a good window unit keep it cool enough? I have no idea that’s why I’m asking before starting build and only reason I considered co2 was for the sealed
Couple variables, BTU rating of the window unit, your lighting system (If HPS expect much higher temps compared to LED), exhaust system etc. But realistically a good window unit ~should~ be adequate for that space. Definitely recommend getting LEDs over HPS if temps are a concern in your space. If it was still summer you could set up the lights and check temps with the window ac to get a rough idea of where you should be (Dry run). But its the time of year where weather starts getting colder. What is the lowest temp the grow space goes in middle of winter would be my current question.
Lowest temp would be 40s probably heating it will be easy Im worried about summer problems, nothing is built yet it’s all brain storming just don’t wanna start on the wrong foot and waste money, what I think I’m leaning towards (let me know if you agree) is a 8x8-10x10 insulated room in the garage most likely have it set up to vent but on the future coould turn of vent and co2 during summer days if temps became a problem

and any ideas of rough BTU I would need? Or just get the biggest I can afford appreciate your responses
6000BTU should be adequate for a 10x10 space. Bigger wouldn't hurt but you start to get into energy efficiency , price point value debate. If the space was currently insulated Id say just get some tents and do some test runs with those. Tents are much more cost effective than to full build out a room (especially with current lumber prices). Could easily construct a lung room with 1 large and 1-2 small tents if your hell bent on a c02 approach. But I don't know how much your temps will fluctuate in such a situation (uninsulated garage).
Do you plan on segregating the 10x10 space into seperate rooms , i.e. veg & flower. Or would it just a 1 room system.
Yes I am going to build the room and insulate it and that’s the other reason I’m here, if my rooms insured and I do some reflective paint, material to help light bounce do I just grow right in my room or should I run a tent inside and use the bigger space sk my intake air is already cooled, and long term it would be awesone to keep your the growimy constant so I think I see your point multiple small spaces may be more ideal possible two 4x4 tents keep one with young plants, other with flowering stage? btw should of mentioned I have 2 sprouts going I purchased auto flowers with the original intent on outdoor grow and the more I read and research the more I became hooked have never even grown a plant and I’m already in love!
If your going through the trouble of using a reflective material / paint on the room I would assume the purpose is to grow in that space specifically. If you plan to put tents in the space using reflective material in the "Lung room" would be rather redundant. If you decide to go the tent route skip the reflective material just insulate the room. If you want a perpetual grow I would recommend segregating the space into atleast 2 rooms so you can have multiple stages for ease and collecting keepers.
If your going through the trouble of using a reflective material / paint on the room I would assume the purpose is to grow in that space specifically. If you plan to put tents in the space using reflective material in the "Lung room" would be rather redundant. If you decide to go the tent route skip the reflective material just insulate the room. If you want a perpetual grow I would recommend segregating the space into atleast 2 rooms so you can have multiple stages for ease and collecting keepers.
Thank you sooooo much for a your input so youve summed it up for me and research from others on here… pretty mucb I was asking if a lung room is necessary and in the case I think it would be a smart move, being in florida humidity is high and from what I’ve read when plants get bigger they seem to boost the humidity too so im thinking will probably only need a dehumidifier