Hey guys Can you help me.

I sometimes mess up on my nutrients from time to time but wow, you have given me inspiration and a boost of confidence for being new to growing! Thanks. Hope your plants aren't Shit of luck
all i can think of is if i was sitting there with my partner, we are depressed and we were broke, and we couldnt scrounge up 7 dollars for some miracle grow or something else. and he says " hey why dont we mix up some of my shit and use that, hell we can piss on them too ". Can anyone ever imagine that coming out of their mouths?
Whatever man fuck the negativity and wait for a response to try and help you fix your shit since you really wanna keep it growing. Someone with some knowledge will chime in soon, although Im sure no one has ever had this problem before Im sure that there is a way to fix it with general knowledge.

Hey brody....I read the first post and thought for sure it was someone trying to jerk our chain...I really thought it was a joke...thats why I busted out laughing. Guess I was wrong...not trying to hate on the OP.

That plant looks pretty fucked up bro....I think its not gonna make it. Flush the hell out of your soil....thats all you can do at this point and hope for the best...wish I had better news but it does not look good! Ok bro...PEACE!!!
Is there a way to pull the plant our of the soil without destroying it at its age, then rinse the roots of all soil and then replant it in fresh soil. Whether its backyard soil or not considering hes tight on cash is better than that shit.
Is there a way to pull the plant our of the soil without destroying it at its age, then rinse the roots of all soil and then replant it in fresh soil. Whether its backyard soil or not considering hes tight on cash is better than that shit.

Honestly....I'm just basing my opinion on the picture but that plant looks Fucked. The OP really has nothing to loose....I think I would just try flushing the soil and not disturb the root system at this point k. Reason being is that you can see the severe stress that was caused by what they did to it and pulling the plant out and fucking with the root system now is just going to cause additional stress...
Honestly....I'm just basing my opinion on the picture but that plant looks Fucked. The OP really has nothing to loose....I think I would just try flushing the soil and not disturb the root system at this point k. Reason being is that you can see the severe stress that was caused by what they did to it and pulling the plant out and fucking with the root system now is just going to cause additional stress...

I can agree with that you have a point. So flush them with not 2 times the size of the container but 4 and see what happens I guess.
Listen, forgetting about this fuck up, you likely wouldn't have yielded much anyway. I honestly don't mean this as a jab, my first grow was a joke, but if you had half a clue on growing, no matter how twisted, you wouldn't have done it. With that said, I jump to the yield and profit conclusion.

I am a totally sympathetic person to those down on luck. You are going through a rough time and no one should be kicking a man when he's down. But tough love is another story... If cash from the grow is that essential, why the fuck didn't you prepare? What are you using for lights, soil, etc? I am guessing you were doomed to failure for the venture. No biggie on a grow for the fuck of it, but anything you that is essential because your ass is on the line....work hard and prepare. Nothing worth having in life comes easy!

I am willing to bet you have some way of raising enough cash to buy nutes. the booze from one night would get you started and am no teetoteler!

We have all made bad decisions and I bet yours are more than shit and piss. Buddhism teaches to accept the moment because it is what it is. But we can shape the future moment that will be. Get over the past with a keen eye to a goal two years down the line. Focus on it and don't let it out of your sight. Make it the thing that you are determined to achieve and make it happen!

Sorry for the off topic but I sense a good soul and humanity knows no bounds...

I also sense a bonghit in my future...
Im not even sure if thats a cannabis plant in the picture haha. And how did you manage to mix poo and piss togather without puking?
I suggest give up the grow for now and focus more on finding another job whether its mowing lawns or shoveling driveways and think about your daughter. Sell the lights and whatever you have and get back on your feet and be there for you girl. If your put away she doesn't have shit, nevermind the money you were trying to get. Do the right thing for now and focus on another jib and your daughter. Cause honestly even if you did get this thing back up and running you still have 2 months if not more to finish flowering and another month to dry and cure. It may be too late by then my friend. Good Luck with whatever you chose to do and I mean that with everything.
Foliar feed with pee? Really? Part of me says it's a goof. But I could see it. I could send you pictures of my neighbor's shrubs on his new deck. I asked what happened and sure'nuff he peed on it after making the same kind of 'analysis' as the OP. He's not even a total moron. Flush it out and try and save it. And get checked for Cholera.
How much do you think he will yield. lol
oh, about a pound of crappy weed.

I fucked up and I realize that now. So I guess what your telling me is that there is no saving my plants no matter what I do? I know I am taking a serious risk having a child and shit but I cant find a second job no matter how hard I try and I am really struggling man. Im just going to cut this shit down burn everything and take this curveball life gave me and figure out how to rebound. Thank you all for your help.
a couple plants isn't going to get you out of any whole. it was a pipe dream.

Im not even sure if thats a cannabis plant in the picture haha. And how did you manage to mix poo and piss togather without puking?
oh that woulda been rich. pee, poo and puke. talk about a hot soil mix.

Foliar feed with pee? Really? Part of me says it's a goof. But I could see it. I could send you pictures of my neighbor's shrubs on his new deck. I asked what happened and sure'nuff he peed on it after making the same kind of 'analysis' as the OP. He's not even a total moron. Flush it out and try and save it. And get checked for Cholera.
ya know. urine does work. you have to water it down. because the salt content draws moisture out of the roots. think about dog pee. same thing. shit would work but it needs to be composted first. i used to use composted human waste from a recycling plant it was great for ornamentals but not food crops and the only reason was the heavy metals in the waste don't break down. and ppl put more than waste down their toilets.
op's problem was the pee was probably full strength and the poo needed to compost first.
i feel awful that he's down and out. especially with the holidays and all. but he just has to move forward. can't be any worse than the year i just had:)
For some reason I picture this guy smoking a dub, writing this stuff and laughing his azz off...
or worse, maybe he's real...

...edit to add; if so bro focus on other means of income beside growing weed...

again, that's not some sanctified righteous bullsh*t but adult advise.....

also, stop smoking weed...anymore employers grab hair samples and that BULSHIT about going back 90 days is bullshit...anymore if these drug testing companies detect any THC they report a positive (they do that to differentiate from the competition with high positive rates as a selling point)