hey guys! flushing question


Active Member
K week 6 of flower. Do I flush with my plants with filterd r.o water of my well water? My well water is perfect 6.1 ph all the time. Ppm is 900.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious why you say don't flush ever? Not knocking just curious your reasons behind it. I've heard both sides of the flush debate, so yea me curious.
Because all it does is neutralize your medium.

The myth is flushing removes excess salts and fertilizers from the plant. This is false for 2 reasons.

1, Once a plant has consumed nutrients, there's no reversing that process. No amount of flushing will remove nutrients already consumed by the plant. No matter what the pro-flushers say, this goes against the very biology of the plant.

2, The thought that "salts" remain stored within the plant is also false. Salts are already broken down into starch and sugars. So the idea of "flushing out salts" is an oxymoron, in that there are no "salts". It's sugar.

That being said. Flushing does nothing for your plant other than cut off access to much needed nutrients.

For higher quality harvests, never flush. You should simply maintain a healthy plant until trichs are ready.


Well-Known Member
Because all it does is neutralize your medium.

The myth is flushing removes excess salts and fertilizers from the plant. This is false for 2 reasons.

1, Once a plant has consumed nutrients, there's no reversing that process. No amount of flushing will remove nutrients already consumed by the plant. No matter what the pro-flushers say, this goes against the very biology of the plant.

2, The thought that "salts" remain stored within the plant is also false. Salts are already broken down into starch and sugars. So the idea of "flushing out salts" is an oxymoron, in that there are no "salts". It's sugar.

That being said. Flushing does nothing for your plant other than cut off access to much needed nutrients.

For higher quality harvests, never flush. You should simply maintain a healthy plant until trichs are ready.
Very valid points. I also think that flushing a soil plant goes completely against the over watering principle. I've never flushed and never had any complaints about taste or flavor either. Appreciate your take.


Active Member
Because all it does is neutralize your medium.

The myth is flushing removes excess salts and fertilizers from the plant. This is false for 2 reasons.

1, Once a plant has consumed nutrients, there's no reversing that process. No amount of flushing will remove nutrients already consumed by the plant. No matter what the pro-flushers say, this goes against the very biology of the plant.

2, The thought that "salts" remain stored within the plant is also false. Salts are already broken down into starch and sugars. So the idea of "flushing out salts" is an oxymoron, in that there are no "salts". It's sugar.

That being said. Flushing does nothing for your plant other than cut off access to much needed nutrients.

For higher quality harvests, never flush. You should simply maintain a healthy plant until trichs are ready.


Well-Known Member
Very valid points. I also think that flushing a soil plant goes completely against the over watering principle. I've never flushed and never had any complaints about taste or flavor either. Appreciate your take.
It should only be done if your soil is clearly having an issue, whether it's lock up, toxicity, etc. If your soil is obviously causing problems, then yes a good flush helps.

Regardless of whether you flush or not. All the remaining sugars in the plant get broken down during the cure period. The key to a "clean" smoke will always always 100% be in the curing process!


Well-Known Member
I all ways flush once a week and flush for the last week. I just find its just a better smoke do it both ways and see what you think. I been growing for 25 years mostly in coco and find when you flush the plant it will look a lot better after the flush. Hey but what do I no.