Hey guys. Gotta sad story and a couple questions about research chemicals


Active Member
Okay I have a question for those of us here on RIU. Let me start off by saying Im a longtime MJ user. I have uncontrollable muscle spasms from an injury I sustained in a car wreck. I also have pretty bad anxiety. I've tried dozens of medications and none of them work on me as well as MJ. It helps me to settle down, and actually relax after a hard day of work. Where as when I don't smoke.. its next to impossible to sit still and my mind never slows down. I've always grown my own, in an effort to stay away from the black market as much as I can. About a year ago I was pulled over down the street from my house for a tail light that had gone out. The cop ran my name and asked me to step out of the vehicle. Said I had warrents and that detected the odor of burnt marijuana. I hadn't smoked in my truck in months. And I wasn't carrying any on me. He asks for consent, and I give it to him hoping he'll let my girlfriend keep the truck since Im literally still on my road. The next 30 minutes are spent watching this cop and his buddy tear apart my truck in an effort to find something I knew wasn't there. At this point the cops are being very rude.. and kept telling me they knew I was hiding something. (Maybe because I have anxiety? And I looked nervous?) Anywho, they ended up finding my phone in the truck and going through it without my knowledge. I did have a few pictures of the plants Ive grown over the years, and stuff like that. When they found that it was on. They loved it. They called detectives and the head of narcotics out and they were telling me how they love putting people like me in prison and that Im going to be in jail for a very long time. So I'm hauled off to jail where I sit for two days without a phone call, while they get a search warrant and raid my house. My girlfriend said there was cops everywhere inside and outside of our house. Said they searched every single inch of the property. I happen to have a pitbull that LOVES to get in the closet and tear up the plants whenever she can. Well, she had cleaned me out probably a week before this happened. So there were no plants to be found thank God. They did however take my grow light and all of my nutrients and growing supplies, my bong, my pipe, and a couple grams of MJ I had on my smoke plate. I ended up with 18 months of probation. It's really sucked because its so hard for me to just give up smoking. After failing a couple UA's for THC though, I found a pretty good alternative. It was this stuff called Space cadet flight risk 100x. A couple of hits and I feel just like I smoked a joint of good MJ. When the compounds first came out about a year and a half ago, me and my partner were buying grams of JWH-018 from a vendor called researchchemicalz.com and making our own smoke blends for alot cheaper than the stores sold it, and we could make it as strong as it needed to be. This was before I went back to smoking MJ. The guy always did good business with me, but in november they made 5 of the compounds illegal, and he says on his website that he doesnt ship JWH compounds to my state. And also, Ive read alot of bad reviews on the guy since I've went through him. I do have a few questions for the ones experienced in the matter. First off, what are the new compounds that are out now? The ones that haven't been scheduled yet, but would have similiar effects to THC. These are the ones I would like to experiment with. I just want to find something to help me until I can get back to using MJ. It's nice to be able to come home from work and relax.. you know? I would really love to hear from you guys on this. Any and all input is welcome. Thanks for reading!


Well-Known Member
I'd give kratom a shot, ok you don't smoke it, but it has the closest feeling to pot for me of all other plants. Hell it even gives me the squinty eye feeling sometimes. It is also a very powerfull painkiller, about 17 times more powerful than morphine.


Well-Known Member
Thats a horrible story mate, I feel for you. Surely they arent allowed to go through your phone without a warrant or your concent? I know they cant here in the uk.


Well-Known Member
If you have been on probation for at least half of the time and had no violations you should see if you can terminate your probation now.


Active Member
That sucks. Did you lawyer up or just plea out? I'm pretty sure them going through your phone to get pictures that they can't even verify the location of to obtain probable cause for a warrant amounts to insubmissible evidence and the whole case should be thrown out for lack of evidence.


Active Member
I really could have made alot smarter decisions when handling it. I plead out because I didnt know any better. Been kicking myself in the ass ever since.


Well-Known Member
You have learned a valuable lesson, young Skywalker, actually two. Check your tail lights regularly and whenever a cop says "mind if I tear your car apart?" you should say "Yes...yes I do, and what exactly are your qualifications for being able to identify illegal drugs purely by sense of smell? Why are we wasting money on drug dogs when we have you on staff, officer Fido? Now am I under arrest or not, because if not I have things to do so wright the ticket and get out of my way, Porky". To which they will reply "I'm giving you a ticket for a bad tail light, don't let it happen again, have a nice evening". See how that scenario is considerably more pleasant than the scenario that unfolds when you reply "sure, I would love for you to tear my car apart, by all means proceed, and please look in my cellphone too, I grant you full permission because I don't value my civil rights in the slightest".


Well-Known Member
To answer the OP's question. Yes there are still the WIN, AM, along with some JWH's still (250,122,81,19,ect.) and some CB's also as well. Full CB agonists like these chemicals are potentially very dangerous. There are OD reports of people having seizures and intense panic attacks. Some even as a long term side effect can no longer even smoke pot without experiencing moderate to severe anxiety, I am one of those people. I would always read people saying "JWH ruined smoking marijuana for me for life" and now I can truly understand where their coming from. Don't get me wrong I still enjoy it but it'll never be the same as it used to be for me. Always need to be extra careful on how much a smoke as even just a few hits takes me from being high to a mild panic attack.