hey guys have a problem.hope you can help...slh plant fading fast.

DSC00737.JPGDSC00738.JPGDSC00739.JPGDSC00740.JPGok first 3 pics is the plant in question what is happening to the new growth,what are these spots on the leaves and why are they curling...i just repotted.the plant was in a 3 gallon smart pot for a month then repotted back into the 3 gallon.did my other 3 plants the same way and they are fine so whats going on.i know its not a def.ph is 6.8 run off, water when its dry,so i dont know. i use foxfarms ocean forest and water with half tap and half ro water comes out at 180ppms....the 4th pic is of onther slh plant that was done the same and its fine.i grew these plants under a 4 foot 4 bulb t12 floro's and just switched to a 600 watt metal halide light could this be a factor light is about 16inchs away from plants...I'AM STUMPED PLEASE HELP I WANT TO START BUDDING THESE PLANTS BUT CANT UNTIL I FIX THIS PROBLEM.


Well-Known Member
mmaky what is the temp in your room and humidity? what is the ph of water u are giving it?
ok i'am not feeding it went from a 3gallon smart pot of ocean forest soil that it was in for a month.then i repotted into the same 3 gallon smart pot with a new batch of ocean forest last thursday.i have never feed the plant anything but water.temps in the room never get past 78 and the waters ph is always 6.8ph.


Well-Known Member
marijuana soil water run off should test about a 3/4 of a point to a full point lower on the pH scale than the water’s original pH was. The soil/fertilizers contribute to lowering the pH as it passes through the soil


Well-Known Member
ride it out...........don't overwater. sure; give it a flush, but then let it dry out good. and yes.....check ph. not of run-off. of the soil. make a milkshake thick slurry of soil with distilled water, and measure your ph directly. run-off is misleading, imo


Well-Known Member
I agree but if u are going to do runoff then needs to be 3/4 to full point lower than original PH. google how to [h=1]Accurately Check the pH of Marijuana Soil Runoff[/h]
ok so flush it then let it dry out...and test the soil for its ph instead of measuring the run off... i have a soil ph tester one of those $14 digital soil meters will that work.


Well-Known Member
u can test the runoff and the soil. water to 6.5 the water plant and test runoff u want it to be about 5.6-5.8. it works well but soil test, do both it cant hurt
lol...ok i think i'am going to do a lite flush maybe run about 5 gallons of distilled water thru her,then i'll see how it goes


Well-Known Member
i just flush till i get a gallon or so of run-off. i don't do big flushes, but i haven't really needed to. good luck; i think you'll be fine.
yea just finished flushing 5gallons of distilled water threw her...i checked the soil ph when i was flushing the soil was like a soup when i put the digital soil meter in it it showed it was 6.4...on a different subject. i had a lot of sink holes in my soil when i was flushing,i mean realy bad had to add more soil to it to fill in the holes so maybe the roots was getting air or something.but its done and i'll just wait and see if it comes out of it.


Well-Known Member
IDK if its high enuf to create ur problem but the ffof stuff usually is around 7-7.3ph from what I've noticed. Do u add any dolomite lime to the soil when u open up new bags to transplant?


Well-Known Member
I do, and I know others say that they don't put enuf for their liking so they add more as well. I toss some worm castings, vermiculite, and perlite in mine as well.
yea i add perlite to the ffof soil just dont add anything else to it...i'am finishing this batch of plants in ffof soil then i'll be switching to roots organic soil and i know it doesnt have enough lime in it so will be amending the soil with dolomite lime worm castings,perlite to it...so i should have much better control over what and how much nutrients goes into my plants...