hey guys, help with a drug test?


Active Member
well, i finally got the job ive been looking for and i'm pretty happy about it. tommorow i must take the drug test and pending on those results i get the job. i haven't smoked for over 3 weeks, i think about 25 days possibly. between those times, i have skated many hours sweated tons, dranken tons of water over a gallon of cranberry juice, etc. i only smoked once a week or so, around 1.5 months ago i smoked every day for about a week..and it wasn't much not too constantly. i bought this fake urine a long time ago but i already used the heat pack for it because i didnt know when the test was going to be! im wondering, am i going to be okay and pass my test from your guys personal experience? any help much appreciated thanks broskis...


Well-Known Member
Hey if its just a preemployment test, I would go buy another hand warmer at R.E.I. or Any Mountain (or any ski shop), and reuse it with the synthetic urine. If you dont feel comfortable with substitution, drink a ton of water the mornin of, and hopefully your metablism has already worked everything out, It doesn't sound like you are that heavy of a smoker, so you should be alright


Active Member
im in rehab n i get tested evry week. If the last time u smoked was 3 weeks ago u should be fine however that does depend on how high your levels were when u stoppd. Also your job probably doesnt test for creatin (kree-ah-tin)(not the same thing as the muscle growth product, creatin is a natural substance in your body) but if they do drinking more than 2 gallons of water will lower your levels below 20 which counts as a positive because of tampering with specimens. 2 gallons is Alot of water but i no several people that have failed because of low creatin levels without drinking nearly 2 gallons so idk how accurate that official stat is. Also flush pills arre n option but they also lower creatin levels and only hide the thc metabolites they do not get rid of them as they are stored in fat cells. In my experience most jobs do not test extensively enough to detect creatin levels but since i dnt no wut job ur applying for i figured id throw it in there. Good luk man


Well-Known Member
drink as much water as you can a few hours before the test, try 2 piss about 3 or 4 times before your test and when you do test your piss should be crystal clear and you should be fine if you havent smokes in that long


Active Member
u cn also try taping the synthetic urine to the inside of your thigh to get a more accurate temp of the liquid. A handwarmer may make it too warm and exceeding or not reaching the acceptable temperature range on tests can also cause a test considered positive because of tampering. Good luk again