Hey Guys Im New Help me Out :)


Well-Known Member
#1. What bulb / type / watt should I go buy to switch. cause obv I need to do it like now ( I want 1 bulb to use during the whole vegie stage ) my personal opinion would be to spend a little cash now and get something like a 250w HPS dual spectrum sunmaster lamp with cooltube and an Inline duct fan something like an RVK125A1 with a carbon filter.

#2. WHen that bulb is no longer needed ( flower stage ) what new bulb will I need then You can use this bulb for both vegging and flowering (i use the 600w version)

#3. For the stage im in now What Nutes Fert should I use ( Vegie state ) sold in walmart / usa Unfortunately being in the UK i cannot answer this question easily. What i can tell you is that you should look for NPK values for veg of 3-1-2 or derivatives of this ratio. Then for flowering something like 2-1-3

#4. What soil nutes should/ do I buyt for when the plant is ready for the flowering stage. As mentioned already above look for something with an NPK ratio of 2-1-3 for flowering.



Well-Known Member
Sorry bro i get really narky with people that ask the very basic questions as it usually shows they havent done any reading.

I do nothing but read and pass on relavant information.

If you are prepared to put the work in i will help you out wherever i can.

Sorry for being so harsh to begin with bro.

Its kinda like tough love to make people begin reading.

Start with the HOW TO GROW MARAJUANA thread in the sticky section of the newbie central forum.

If you want any specific questions answered feel free to PM me with your queries and you will see that i will help.

Good luck and welcome to the wonderful world of growing MJ.


P.s You'll see me chill out a little now that you are reading!
true that man b4 i started my first grow i read so many books and threads that i thought i was going blind.. were always here to help bro but in order to get the best results you have to put some time in reading


Basicly I'm looking to build and have something that looks like this. This is his latest video before hes going to start his flowering stage Which I will be watching.
He just doesnt have videos on his soil or what lights hes using but I would love to have a set up liek this. But He only has one plant and Id like to keep m electricity bill down so If I could have something like this with less lights please explain. And just explain how to get this going in general if you can. Thanks J or to any other users who can be of help.

Heres the vid [video]http://www.youtube.com/user/f1fanatic0582#p/u/0/jQsfkayhSsA[/video]


Well-Known Member
You could use the big CFL like i have and supplement with some smaller CFL's around the sides.



OK if you want to do something like that then the best advice i can give you is make something like this which i have made for my mothers.

>>>>>>> https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/368478-mother-box-design-setup.html <<<<<<<

Click the link above . IF you have the ability you can make it using my designs and adapt it to fit whatever lighting system you want.

See if it fits the bill for you.

Yes! Thats what im talking about that looks effin perfect.
Now in that box you can do the whole process right? :)
I cant wait to see how your crop comes out with that :)

If you can give me a complete list of materials and Us Dollar amount prices
For the Mother box

That looks amazing Im so excited! haha I guess i just needed to ask the right questions :)


Well-Known Member
The $'s is the one thing i cant help you out with as i dont know what they would cost in your Country Sorry,

But i can give you a list of every piece of kit that i used.

You can use this to veg and flower in you will just have to change the light spectrum of the bulbs for flowering.

I will give you a parts list that includes things for flowering.

MDF boarding of some description cut to size.. Make this to fit in your space that you have ready at home.
1x 12v 1000mA DC power adaptor
2x 124mm ducting brackets (unfortunately i make these myself so you may have to adapt this to fit)
1x 200w ECO CFL 6400K (cool white) for vegging
1x 200W ECO CFL 2700K (warm White) for flowering
some electrical cable to attach the PC fans to the 12v adaptor.
1x 7inch clip on fan
1x standard reflector

And thats pretty much it. You could also use some of the CFL's that you have now as side lighting. This would help with light penetration further down through the plant.

Look at a PC store to find the fans and maybe the 12v DC power adaptor.
A hardware store for the boarding

An online Hydro store for the lighting or if you have one close to you pay them a visit.

and thats pretty much it. The rest is just time spent building it.


P.s Told you i will help you out wherever i can lol


Well-Known Member
I cant wait to see how your crop comes out with that :)
Im not going to be getting a crop out of that box. I am going to be growing mother plants in there to be able to clone from and then move the clones into my closet where my 600w HPS is located.



Im not going to be getting a crop out of that box. I am going to be growing mother plants in there to be able to clone from and then move the clones into my closet where my 600w HPS is located.


Oh ok. Sounds perfect im going to research everything now.

After my box is build and stuff Then we will tlak soil nutes clones and everything.

Thanks so much. Im going to chill out on what I have so far. untill I get everything going. Youve been a big help bro.



Well-Known Member
No worries at all.

Im always on hand to help once people know exactly what they want and can convey to me what they are looking for.

The key factor in finding out how you wanted to grow was the cost side of things.

That whole box setup cost me around £120 or about $180 (if i converted it right) not sure of the exchange rate these days lol.

Another thing you will need to add to that box which i didnt include is a TEMP/HUMIDITY gauge. These are battery operated around $20 and show your min/max levels for both temperature and humidity. These factors will need to be tested before you attempt to grow in your box as the ambient room temp/humidity will come into play in order to maintain appropriate levels inside your box.

We can talk more about that later though.

Happy building!



Well-Known Member
Figured while im still awake (125am here) i would help you out with your search.

Now i am just using ebay for this search rather than any other site so you can see roughly the cost of things

Viper fan


Cool white light

Just something to get you started on your search



My buddy has the basic hydro set up for me for 20 bucks. Which is everything like the rocks and nutes and pump and all that. Just not lights.
Now if I buy that and get the lights and everything do I need to have it in a box? Or just grow it free under the light in my closet with no reflective paint or a box?


Well-Known Member
if you use hydro in order for it to be effective you will need $200-$300 on a digital pH meter and an EC meter.

you would still need a box.

Go soil or soiless for your first go. get the hang of 1 way before trying anything else.

i thought you wanted to keep it simple and low maintenance ?

with hydro there are daily checks to perform , calibrations of meters, pH swings to account for and adjust etc.

low maintenance is soil. with the right soil mix you will water with plain water twice and then feed every third watering.

with hydro you feed all the time so your nute strength has to allow for this.
