Hey guys just wondering when to I switch my lights from 6500 from 2700k ?


Well-Known Member
are you serious? im going out on a limb and gonna say you have done absolutely zero research into growing. if you had, you wouldnt be asking that question. good luck


Well-Known Member
Ya man search the forums some your in a great place to learn. Suprised you even got this far. Haha it's a hardy plant but if you want to make it thru flower and have some good shit. Read, read, read.
In general:
Higher in Kelvin(the numbers) the more blue it has which is better to veg.

Lower in Kelvin the more red which is better for flowering.

So to answer your question. When you switch to flowering, change to the 2700k. I'm assuming Cfls which you will need a few per plant.