Hey guys major newbie here.


2012-07-18 19.27.41.jpg2012-08-22 08.09.59.jpg2012-08-22 08.08.52.jpg2012-08-24 08.10.25.jpg

Hey guys, was hoping for a bit of advice on these two. Ive had them since early july as they were gifted to me and they have been outside since late april/early may. The pics are pretty much chronological and the 3rd pic is the larger of the two plants. They are both definitely females though as I have observed the white pistolas on both of them. They have been 100 percent organic I've added nothing to them, but I was worried they wouldnt finish budding before the frosts in my area, so Ive been bringing them in at night at 7 pm every night and taking them outside at 8 every morning. There are definitely buds starting to develop. Im just wondering if you guys have a rough idea how long it will take once they have started budding and whether they look healthy. I can upload more pictures, I'm just wondering if i should repot them as well, since they are in budding stage and I've read that can cause stress to repot them now.

Any help/ advice would be greatly appreciated.




Well-Known Member
maybe use some nutes (phosphorus based fert cause this helps them bud but also they need a lil nitrogen) they dont look that bad tbh just need a little bit more loveing ie remove the leaves which are not gaining any light because they are a waist of energy and i think u said how long do they take to bud normally like 9-11 weeks i think

Sorry about any spelling
and also im still a noob to all this just trying to give some help so correct me if i am wrong please :D


Well-Known Member
and also if thats 2 plants in one pot replant in different pots :D or maybe the root system is to big so u can not :(


Nah Thats just one plant, The pots are pretty deep but im just worried about repotting them at this stage, since I'm afraid of damaging the roots. I have picked off all the yellowing leaves but all the other ones seem really green and healthy. So I don't think its a nitrogen deficiency. So they have been getting 13 dark/ 11 light. I bring them in the house at night. Been doing this for about 2 weeks now.


Active Member
Leave them outside. No need to bring them in till around october, that is if your EST.

Also, look into black strap molasses. Its cheap, and helps alot.


Leave them outside. No need to bring them in till around october, that is if your EST.

Also, look into black strap molasses. Its cheap, and helps alot.

Im PST does that make a difference? They started to bud about three weeks ago, ive only been bringing them in for the past 2 weeks, but if i leave them outside its about is that going to knock them out of flowering mode? Im pretty certain we're looking at like 14/10 here as it stands. I know the rule doesnt really apply to outdoor plants, I was just worried i might lose them to frost, also whats black strap molasses and would you bother repotting at this point?


Active Member
Hm, those plants are pretty big I wouldn't bother repotting because you will just kill both the plants or shock them very bad and have to wait for them to start growing again, which is more wasted time. What state do you live in? You seem very cautious of the cold, and im not even the cautious, and it gets brick titties here.


Active Member
maybe use some nutes (phosphorus based fert cause this helps them bud but also they need a lil nitrogen) they dont look that bad tbh just need a little bit more loveing ie remove the leaves which are not gaining any light because they are a waist of energy and i think u said how long do they take to bud normally like 9-11 weeks i think

Sorry about any spelling
and also im still a noob to all this just trying to give some help so correct me if i am wrong please :D
alright let me help you BOTH out . haha no fan leaf is a waste of energy.. If its outside it will get sunlight , maybe not direct but its still getting the rays it needs to provide energy . You also need the fan leaves because he is starting to bud, and they need to put as much energy possible into making the 'buds'. Secondly the plant isn't going to get any bigger now since its just going to focus its self on 'adding weight' or foliage so nitrogen isn't necessary .

just trying to help you both out. If my advice to both of them is wrong, feel free to let me know .

and I'm not really good with estimating when it'll finish budding . Usually varies on some strains, indica's are usually sooner I believe while sativa is a little lengthier process.


thanks for the advice skyzuu and all. ive had a bit of yellowing, but nothing to serious. Also im starting to get lots of smaller leaves growing halfway down the main stalks but its definitely budding. I was worried about frost because in BC it usually starts second- third week of september. And if i allow for the 8-12 week sequence for budding, that would put me right up against it. Which is why i was bringing them in the house at night to speed things up.

But i have a sneaking suspicion they may be autoflower since bringing them in hasnt caused the buds much growth. As i said im only about 3 weeks into budding. They're there but extremly small. Also im worried if i leave them outside it will knock them out of budding.


Well-Known Member
Actually the light changes outside along with temps will push her to hurry. She can take a light short freeze. but cover her with a tarp at night if you worry. The added light deprivation by doing that will also help her do what she was born to do.


Active Member
thanks for the advice skyzuu and all. ive had a bit of yellowing, but nothing to serious. Also im starting to get lots of smaller leaves growing halfway down the main stalks but its definitely budding. I was worried about frost because in BC it usually starts second- third week of september. And if i allow for the 8-12 week sequence for budding, that would put me right up against it. Which is why i was bringing them in the house at night to speed things up.

But i have a sneaking suspicion they may be autoflower since bringing them in hasnt caused the buds much growth. As i said im only about 3 weeks into budding. They're there but extremly small. Also im worried if i leave them outside it will knock them out of budding.

no problem, the little leaves that are starting on the stalk are natural, my plant has some of that too, they will start to show female hairs.

and hotrodharley with the 'added light deprivation' will do nicely with the budding , the plant will want to make it faster and want to add as much weight as possible .

happy growing man! don't forget to like our stuff if it helped you out o: