Hey guys, need some help! Pics...


Well-Known Member
Hey there, I planted these rockwool clones in Foxfarm Ocean 10 days ago. I have a 400w HPS about 4 ft. from the top of the plants. Min temp at lights out is 68 and max with lights on is 80-82. As you can see from the pics the leaves have some yellow and what you can't see in the pics is a couple leaves seem to have a powder on them and it's not dust. I have not given any nutes yet as I was told the FF should have enough nutrients for 2-3 weeks. Please help


Well-Known Member
in certain cases Its normal for older plants 2 have some yellowing of the leaves at the bottom but I've never hurd of powder being on the leafs im stumped? ?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a fungus? Other than that I would give them some veg nutes at a 1/4 strength, I think you are lacking some N.