Hey guys - new grower... Any advise on how long?? :)

Havent kept an exact count on the days it has been flowering however we think they are about 7 weeks into flowering.

Temps have been 85-93 with lights on as its been getting hot around where i live.

PH has been kept around 6.5

Humidity 35%

Any advise?? Cant wait!

Afghan kush



White widow



Active Member
Sure, learn how to spell "A-D-V-I-C-E". Other than that, looks like you're still a week or so away, give or take a few days. Invest in a jeweler's loop (super CHEAP on Amazon) so you can get a real close up few of your girls to make sure they are ready!
thank you sir.

i got one of those and they are milky but none amber yet..week sounds good to me..also how much bigger do you think they will get? got a 600w hps

many thanks! :)


Active Member
thank you sir.

i got one of those and they are milky but none amber yet..week sounds good to me..also how much bigger do you think they will get? got a 600w hps

many thanks! :)
Looking closer I may be a week or so off....it is hard to tell because the pics are so orange from the light it is hard to tell how amber they are. As I mentioned, definitely invest in a jewelers loop. Every grower should have one. They are real inexpensive on Amazon or ebay.


Active Member
Were not going to be able to tell from the hps pics if they are done. Get a 30X microscope and check the trichombs. If you want the full strength of the plant, wait until at least 1/3 are amber color. It really helps to mark the container your plants are in with a date of when they started, because this will always give you a guide. Also you need to know the flower time of the strain your growing, because they all vary from 55 to about 75 days.
thank you guys!

i guess its still a couple of weeks... im kinda glad cause that means more weed!

they all seem to be 8 week flowering but i can only see a coupl of amber trichs with the scope on the afghan jush but none of the others yet!

Po boy

Well-Known Member
Sure, learn how to speall "A-D-V-I-C-E". Other than that, looks like you're still a week or so away, give or take a few days. Invest in a jeweler's loop (super CHEAP on Amazon) so you can get a real close up few of your girls to make sure they are ready!
that's damn funny!! :-P


Active Member
HA! I suck!!! Apparently I can't spell, "spell"!!! I edited it to look smarter, but we all know I'm a dumbass!!!


Well-Known Member
Sorry OP I think the reason a lot of experienced growers like myself jump on people is because there is a lot of info out there now on how to do this basic stuff. None of us here have some special know how that isn't out there for these kind of questions. Like previously stated the best way and has been done since I have been doing this in the 80's is a magnifying glass, jewelers loop or a microscope to look the the trichombs. There is a lot of info on how the trichombs should look.
hey twisted how are you? :)

ive read loads about everything i could possibly read regarding veg and flower stage.

so nice to hear an opinion on some pics, from experienced growers especially as ive been told how different every grow is.


Active Member
Sure, learn how to spell "A-D-V-I-C-E". Other than that, looks like you're still a week or so away, give or take a few days. Invest in a jeweler's loop (super CHEAP on Amazon) so you can get a real close up few of your girls to make sure they are ready!
Have you heard of english people? Just wondering.
When you see "colour" do you lol?


Active Member
Yeah, not sure what you mean so.......:roll:
it means that not everyone spells advice like americans do. Nor with colour or favour etc etc... So just saying next time you see something spelled weird, it's prob b/c they're not american. He spelled everything else correctly on his post. Should be looking at that guy spelling trichomes trichombs and whoever spelled jewelers loupe loop. If you're gonna be a spelling nazi that is...


Active Member
it means that not everyone spells advice like americans do. Nor with colour or favour etc etc... So just saying next time you see something spelled weird, it's prob b/c they're not american. He spelled everything else correctly on his post. Should be looking at that guy spelling trichomes trichombs and whoever spelled jewelers loupe loop. If you're gonna be a spelling nazi that is...
Yep, I'm quite the spelling Nazi. So much so that I admitted I was a jerk because I originally misspelled the simple word, "spell". See basically it was a joke. Lighten up and laugh a little my friend, I could care less how people spell, I was simply razzing the op. :bigjoint: