Hey Guys!


Active Member
hey people,Iv been a smoker for 5 years or so but have started smoking alot more over the last year(at LEAST once every 2 days) and am interested in growing.
Thats not the reason i signed up to this fine looking(and smelling) site. i would just like to be part of a fourm that dosnt call me a "bong rat,drugo, scum" ext when ever i menton i menton drugs:|
i look forward to posting with my fellow stoners :D



Well-Known Member
welcome.fellow. drugo/scum???lol
we dont call names on this forum.
we know what we are.....stoned as we speak.


New Member
hey people,Iv been a smoker for 5 years or so but have started smoking alot more over the last year(at LEAST once every 2 days) and am interested in growing.
Thats not the reason i signed up to this fine looking(and smelling) site. i would just like to be part of a fourm that dosnt call me a "bong rat,drugo, scum" ext when ever i menton i menton drugs:|
i look forward to posting with my fellow stoners :D

Yo stoner!!!! Welcome! :shock:


Well-Known Member
once every two days is nothing to be ashamed of, only if you smoke j's like cigarettes, every day. then you become a mashed potato.


Active Member
Thanks for the welcome guys
to average it out i would smoke a small mix a day(ima bong man).Somedays, sorry 6/7 days of the week it is more.

and the "bong rat, scum" comment. Im shor most of you have had a debate with non smokers about pot. there are just some people no matter how hard u try they never get it.
It dosnt really bother me that much, more bud for us!:-P