hey guys.


Undercover Mod
If you have any questions put them up and I will do my best to help you. Just post them on this board.
ok so the 4 bAbies i have in generic soil from wal mart. should i transplant them again into ffof? member tho,i already transplanted once two days ago. or should i just start over.


Undercover Mod
Start some new ones, once a plant is stunted it will always be stunted. You will never see the growth out of it you want. I know it sucks to start over, but look at it as a learning experience. One thing to remember is to not overwater. Water when the pot feels like it is about 90 percent dry or so. The best method is to pick t up and use weight to judge. I water plants that are under a week old with a shot glass. Letting the soil dry out most of the way b4 watering again will promote root growth.

Remember Lots of light.


Well-Known Member
what kind of light do u have? are u feeding them? stop watering them so much water dont make them grow faster.
ok. i took your advice and im starting over.i bout ffof with the whole line of basic nutes, i have them germ. now. will post to let u know what happens.


Undercover Mod
Don't give them any nutes for the first couple of week cause the soil has enough nutes for them during this growth. This is very important over nutes can harm your plants. How is you lighting describe your setup. I can help you improve it.
ok ive got a 48" 4100k cool white. (its a shop light.) rigged to hang a little over two inches over plants. i removed everything from the closet but the light and foxfarm. ..etc.. i have one and half gallon planters to put them in this time. so i wont have to transplan.at least for a while...i also put aluminum foil all around grow space. but i recently heard that foil really isnt that good. i was just trying to keep the light in. i was thinkin over getting another light also;. but idk. so yea,,that pretty much it.
amd im also gooing tomo,to get a digital ph reader. i was using one from lowes. but it wasnt digi. a had to compare. the colors. idk maybe my ph was to high and it locked up. cuz the color it would shouw was 6.0-7.0. idk


Undercover Mod
Okay, I am a little pissed right now had this all typed out and my computer decided to close the browser on me.

Here is a cheap and effective way to supplement your lighting and will work wonders.
Purchase the following items.

Lamp Kit-1

Lightblub Light Spilter-3 for one setup

26W CFL(You will need 4 for one setup)

And a reflector of your choice if you want one.:weed:


Undercover Mod
This setup is pretty basic and easy to setup. Low cost lighting. One setup liek this will be good enough for seedlings for about a week. Then as the get bigger I would add one setup for each plant. You can easily hang them from the ceiling. One basic setup will cost you around $20-25 or less depending on where you buy the parts. The lamp kit costs between 5-10 dollars, the spiltters cost about 2 dollars a piece and the bulbs can very in price. The plant I posted before was two weeks old and grown under only three 26 watt cfls.
they already did. put in between damp paper towels on a plate wit a bowl to cover. i started them in one of those jiffy pots. they already sprouted. imma give em one more day. then put in ffof. and hopefully get it goin again.
just transplanted into ffof. im gonna stick with three instead of four. 2 are babies. one is working on another set. already has two sets of triples.


Undercover Mod
Post some pics in a couple days. Wanna see how there doin. I'll stick with you through the whole thing mane.
After week and three days after i t/p this one into ffof the pic kinda makes it look smaller then it is. workin on fourth set of triples. my other two are not even a week old in ffof and starting to notice alot of growth. but since i used ffof i can go to work for 12 hours a day.. come home and notice intense groth. everyday!

