Hey Hans 80 Owners! Are We Getting The Most Out Of Our Panels? Or Can We Do Better?

Is the Hans 80 panel's cooling adequate?

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Hi guys. Sorry to be asking a bit off the topic, but i am going to order a panel from Hans since it seems like an awesome grow light. But i am not quite sure whether to choose the 65w model or the 80w model. It has nothing to do with the price(since they are very close) more which one is best.
  • I read in this thread that you guys think the 80w runs a bit too hot. But are you mainly trying to make a good product better, or is it an actual problem?
  • Since it is mainly the power supply that is different, and the product is originally built for a 65 watt power supply, i am wondering whether it is even a good idea to jam extra watts into it?
My grow room(first one) is quite small at this moment so the 65w would suffice, but i am probably going to upgrade it when i find something fitting. So if the 80w is as good as the 65w just stronger, i am pretty sure thats going to be it.
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It never has been a problem for me. Trying to make it better (or to keep it going longer) sounds about right as far as Im concerned.
Driving it harder will shorten its life thats sure, but I guess Hans considers it safe otherwise he wouldnt be selling it and offering a warranty.

I'd pick the 80 watter.
Hey gang, just spent some time playing around a bit with the panel and I think I found a few reasons for the reflectors ability/inability to sit as flush as it should.

First off I just spent some time tightening and loosening the bolts on the reflector and at first I thought it might be the screws that keep the fan secured interfering with the reflector but it doesn't appear to be that but more the flatness of the heatsink/mount and the reflector. On mine I can see that there is some bowing to them. Trying to tighten everything down hard can make the leaks worse, but tightening the screws firmly, starting from the fan and tightening the reflector outward in a circular motion seems to help but even so there's still enough light escaping into the panel to annoy me. It's seems to be production imperfections more than heat warping it. And since NASA didn't build it I'm not going to hold it against Hans. Best bet to me would be to buy some of those white colored hole reinforcers for paper that are used in binders. The white paper should be reflective enough and not electrically conductive.

Yeah Pajautus there might be a break in period. Mine were hotter at first too. I was really worried about mine at first but I didn't realize I made a mistake with my timer and they ran 24/0 for around 2 weeks. Maybe that's why I got some bowing. Ooops :(.

And Groowin when my temp tents are down in the 70s, Hans' panels make me glad I bought them. Give the 80w a good environment and it will kick some butt for it's size. I grow in a tent that's been in the 90s mostly this summer and that's been making me worried about my Hans panels and the real reason for this thread.
Firstly, thanks for all the info in this thread. Nice and useful and all positive too.

I have a Q for you Hans users please.... I'm not yet set up, but will be going the LED/hydro' route when the day comes and probably a 4ft x 8ft area initially (10-12 plants hopefully). From what I can tell, these Hans panels look like an honest, decent quality product at an attractive price point (€360 for 2 x 65w panels landed is eye-catching). Would you recommend these as a good option for supplementary lighting, along side more powerful LED panels, perhaps to pump up the power in flowering (and fill in any small spaces outside core coverage of the larger lights), or would that not be sensible for some reason?

I like that design too. All sleek and shiny looking.
IDK tough call. They're better for main lighting IMO because the lens angles and reflectors are a bit wide on the Hans so you end up lighting you walls when move them away from the center of your grow space but it also depends on your setup. RW75s, COBs with reflectors/lenses or even a custom Illumitex setup if you want to spend some $$$ would be good choices off the top of my head. T8 LED bulbs might be a better choice too.

OK and for the record I think I've got a design or two for cooling that will work without getting too crazy and voiding anything or adding too much weight. Just a little busy right now but I was thinking of simply adding those small adhesive heatsinks as I said before or but now I'm getting a little nutty and will probably be affixing some TGON 810 .5mm graphite with an over layer of copper tape which should pull the heat away from the LEDs pretty damn fast and help that heatsink out a bit.
How far away to keep hans panel when i emailed him he said 5-40" away does that mean it can penetrate 40"?
I seem to keep burning plants when using red spectrum keeping lights about 15" now seems to be better but it doesnt look like light stress.... Any thoughts
BTW, just noticed that there's a 150W version too. Check out the bonsai hero site.. Looks I'm gonna have to get one of those :)
As for the 80W, things are doing fine, running 18/6 and the panel doesn't cook up anymore, barely warmer than my hand..
Must have been the break in period :)
I must say that now my grow room has cooled the Hans is running much cooler though there is still a hot spot adjacent to the power plug on both panels so maybe it's a batch thing. Going to hold off on modding them till after the new year since they do help keep the grow room warm during lights on :).

And I hope he upped the heatsink size on the newer models. Gotta check that out.