hey i got one plant rite now , my first plant too i need major help !!


ok wat bout soil i juss took wat ever i can from were it was growing from is that alright ? how close should i keep the light the the plant ?


ok wat bout soil i juss took wat ever i can from were it was growing from is that alright ? how close should i keep the light the the plant ?
Well as for the soil its a gamble, i ounce used soil from outside nd it worked out great but its better to buy some,, if the light is cfl u could prob keep it really close like 1-2 inches..... also that plant looks badass it has purple leaves

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Can you get your hands on some decent potting soil, maybe something for vegetables? If you can't get the real stuff of course. How old is that plant? Looks well into flower?


how much degress K 3500 (whitish) 5000(blueish) for the cfl light .....iunno how long man honestly i threw the seeds in sum dirt in my back yard then i got arrested and wen i got out now in november i c my little purple friend hahahah ive only had it for about 3 days now lol n this is my first plant so im hopeing i wont do sumthing and kill it


Active Member
ok wat bout soil i juss took wat ever i can from were it was growing from is that alright ? how close should i keep the light the the plant ?
Big issues with just grabbing from outside... BUGS BUGS BUGS and more BUGS... Go and buy some soil, its super cheap and well worth the investment. Trust me you do not wanna any pests.. They will destroy your girl in no time. As for the light keep as close as you can with hurting her.. With a 100W you can get pretty close... 6inches or so..


Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Yeah anything other than that dirt, you'll regret not putting it in good soil, at least something clean, and i f you don't want to spend a lot of money find a good one part food. Do you have a hydro shop close?


a hydro shop hmmm i dont knw my dad can get the bulbs n all that at his work but the soil and stuff i dont knw i went today to a metro grocery n i couldnt find nuthing


ok yeah im pretty shure i can find sum kinda soil sumwere there no type soil i can get that will kill her is there ? cuz i dont wanna grab the wrong stuff by accedent


Active Member
i would just keep it outside. there is prolly bugs in the soil and you don't want to deal with that bro. its almost done flowering too :)


so what color shuld the light be ? and i have a platic bag over her wen i take her outside is that ok ? it has holes so it can breathe tho , and wat about miracle grow shuld i use that ?