Hey im going to buy seeds from nirvana - I NEED HELP

Hello well im going to buy some seeds from nirvana . Do you think i can buy the seeds with my credit card and the cops wont find out ? Alot of people said to get a pre-paid card but i was wondering if enyone has got seeds from nirvana with there credit card and nothing happend . Also do you think i should get them shipped to my house were i grow and nothing will happen cause i dont have enyone who will let me ship it to there house ?
I ordered directly from Nirvana using my CC and had no issues. I've only dealt with Nirvana so I can't compare them to any other company out there, but I would certainly get a prepaid card just to be on the safe side. The order got to me within two weeks and was very discreetly packaged and included some freebies.