Hey im tryin this LST thing


um i was told on here to LST my plant and i have done so, now im just woundering if some1 checks these pics out to c if im doin this right with my plant ne suggestions would be greatful thanks
o yea please let me know what you think of the set up also, its in a closet with 2 26w 6500k cfls and 2 2700k cfls and also 2 42inch daytime cooler flour light bulbs ne tips would help thanks



Well-Known Member
lThats pretty ghetto man, those bulbs need to be about 2 inches from plant matter.

But you got the LST thing going on. What i do after that stage when it grows a couple nodes is swivl it around the pot.


Well-Known Member
i would change those light housings... get the metal hood reflectors from a local hardware store. unscrew the hood, throw a y fitting in there and have 2 bulbs for every socket... if your lamps there can take a decent wattage you could use those too, if the hood comes off of course. keep your lights 2-3" away to avoid anymore stretching. other than that.... looks good. keep it up ! :)


cool cool thanks, ghetto whatever homeslice i aint rich dog just tryin to work with whatever is around the house,,,,,justgrowgreen???? what did you mean by the light housings?? you talkin about like those desk lamps i got goin on they got the 2700k n them and the bigger 1 has the 6500k i went to ace this mornin and bought 1 those hood covers you talkin about so i do have 1 ill go pick another up tomor


Well-Known Member
My best advise for LST would be to take the piece of copper wire off and use some yarn. I used something similar to that and it eventually took my top off. And like the last poster said, change out some bulbs in the desk lights. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Just a word of advice, i don't suggest trying any lst or many other techniques have you not already grown weed naturally and unaltered.

Otherwise, the important thing to understand about lst is how each shoot will grow perpendicular resulting in tops. Strategy is key when it comes to anticipating the future growth of shoots. It's one thing to just knock over and tie the plant, but it's another to actually understand what is physically going to happen to the structure of the plant.

Naturally, as the top of weed grows up, the lower shoots tend to grow up, underneath and into the canopy above. This results in a shape similar to a classic christmas tree, with one main top. However when you lst, you are promoting growth of seperate top sites, resulting in an unusual collaboration of tops, somewhat resembling a bush.

Might I add though, that NO information is more valuable to oneself than that acquired through ones own trials and errors. Grow on.


4sure ill keep it up and keep doin my best ill go out tomor back to ace and by 2more 26w 6500k.... and yes i m a knew grower i just moved to jersey from California when pot is like legal out there i have had my med licences for 2years now then movin out this way fucked everything up people r on a whole nother level when it comes to marryjane so be4 i left my boy gave me a few seeds its just some Oregon skunk i really didnt plan on growing,,,buttt yeah like i said this state is on a whole nother level lol nothing like calii,,, buttt im tryin and like you said no information is more valualbe to myself then my own trials and errors lol ,thats whats up i hope this works and if it dont turn out so great with all the info i have been learnin from this i know my second run will be a charm thanks you guys


should i keep lst the plant or NO should i just take it off??? and the only reason i started with a clothes hanger was some1 on here told me 2 they said bend them like a lil u shape and pull your plant down and so on,, so i did bad idea?? good idea??


Well-Known Member
if you want to stick with the lst, your going to have to continually keep tying her down. how much room do you have in your grow area? if you've got 2-3', then why not just leave her go naturally?


Well-Known Member
leave it as it is the lst is fine wait a few days until it actually keep that shape then start over at another location