hey need some advice on my auto bubble


hey guys

im doing my fist grow and iv got 2 auto flower bubblegum they are 8 weeks into there cycle and they have produced small buds and
most of the white hairs have started to turn brown.

are they done or do they need a couple more weeks to fatten up.

the set up i use is a 240 watt cfl bulb with a bat wing reflector they are planted into compost and iv been feeding every 5 days with a organic balance fertilizer
which i changed to a flowering feed at 6 weeks.

some of the problems i had that i think will have effected the budding are broad ranges in temp and a constanaly cold soil in the pots and i also transplanted the plants twice before there final pots which are 15 liters.

the plants look healthy and have never shown any signs of stress.

so should i wait or just pull them out and try again.007.jpg 014.jpg


Active Member
They look good to me, I grew some of the same last summer & I really enjoyed them. Let them go awhile longer I didnt see any crystals on there yet, you have to be patient if you want the best, afterall you spent about $ 10.00 a seed so give it time to do its job.


Active Member
Looks like you are using cfl bulbs with 6500 kelvin right?? If so you need to add or replace with 2700 kelving for flowering. Is it 240w equivilant?? Or true watts?? You might just need more light. With cfl's you really should put some bulbs around the sides of your plants bcuz its hard for them to penetrate the canopy to the lower branches. They look good and healthy. Just need to fatten them up!!


Active Member
Looking at the cabinet again it just looks too big for that light you have. Add more if possible.


the bulb is a 200 watt 6400k which is in the blue light spectrume i think
do intend to get more lights for the space i have this grow is just a practice to see how things go before really commiting to it.

so should i change to flowing bulb will it make a difference at this stage?


Active Member
You will need them for your next grow anyways soooo....your choice. That is a nice looking cab....have you thought about getting a sodium bulb. I think you have plenty of space.


i am thinking of up grade to hps lamp when the summer comes around again and im using less electricity else where in the house

need to keep the bills under control.

the cab is quite narrow a little under 2 foot its about 6 foot long will this be big enougth for a hps lamp did think i might try another cfl bulb next time
and add some more reflextive material to up the amount of light the plants can absorb.


a buddy of mine had the same issue your have and it ended he just wasnt getting enough light in impressive none the less for a first grow. im on my first to dont get frustrated its a learning process. well done