Hey new to growing fun guys about to start fridayy!

Im going to start growing mushrooms soon got my treasure coast spores coming in the mail ;) I also got a mini grow box kit. I'm still new so excuse my newbness when do i stop innoculation and how long after that till my shroommies start to grow? Thankyou will make a journal when i start thanks!!!


New Member
Innoculation is just putting the spores into your growth medium. How long is usually around a month give or take. Best of luck!


Active Member
I think you should also read up a little bit more ;)
This is not something to just "jump" into with no knowledge about it.

Here are some thing I suggest that you read.

All in one:
Mycology Unveiled (Has lots of good info in it. I wouldn't follow the guides on it, but seriously, read the information in it! It WILL help you so much!

Simple glovebox (basically my exact glovebox, except for the fact that I just use rubber gloves, and don't deal with tyvek sleeves)
Shadow box

Fruiting Chamber:
Zombie tubs (Really good mini bulk fruiting chamber, I'm making one for my next grow :smile:)
Large FC


Tub in tub (TiT) (cant find a link to it, but its a water heater in a tub of water, with another tub inside and you use that to incubate your jars, if you have questions about it, just ask :wink:)
Quality Incubator
Quality Incubator 2.0

Liquid culture:
Hippy Piss (I recommend this one, but any of them will work.)
Start to finish LC (uses raw honey)

Substrate preparation:
Wild bird feed (soak method)
Wild bird feed (no soak/no simmer method, the method I use)

Bulk techniques: (Zombie tubs link also semi-explains how to do a bulk)
Rez-effect (my current grow log is using this tek)

Cake techniques: (If you want to go cakes, I suggest you look at this link)
WBS cakes (there is a link at the bottom, that shows a log and compares BRF cakes to WBS cakes)

Links you should check out:
Nineinchnails personal teks (moderator's personal teks on shroomtalk, has lots of good info)
G2G (grain to grain transfers)
How to make a spore print
How to make a spore syringe
No simmer tek (Works with all grains, any jar size)

Also if you haven't yet, you should check out the Let's Grow Mushrooms! videos. Here is the official link to RR's website here. Good luck and welcome to the journey that never ends!:peace:

Hope I helped you in some shape, way, or form. By the way, here is a link to my mushroom grow journal, just in case you want to see how I do things.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the info Blackhash. I jumped right into growing marijuana and learned as I went. From what I've read about shrooms I can't employ this same method and hope for success.

I ordered a Halloween special from an online source and got some amazing strains: chitwan, PES amazonian, malabar, costa rica, ecuador and a couple more for $40 shipped. I don't know if they'll all take well to BRF cakes but we'll see (WBS might be an option). I'll definitely educate myself before I even begin to press one plunger. Thanks to you, I've got some homework to do.


Active Member
it can take about 6 weeks from inoculation to fruits.
and there are a few phases.

*sterilization and inoculation phase*
*incubation phase* (3 to 4 weeks)
*fruiting phase* (3 to 4 weeks)
and *drying phase* (2 to 3 days)

i also got the "holoween special" i got
1. shaggy mane
2. shitake
3. P Galandii Gorgia ATL #7
4. Ecuador
5. pan cambo (sandrose domesticate)
6. burma
7. PF albino

Im loving those shroomtalk links. im a moderator at ST. and i feel like an ambassador to my plant cousins when i visit here.