Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?


Well-Known Member
Just turned 50 this year. How did that happen? I started smoking in '78 on and off. First grow about 5 years ago.


Well-Known Member
Funny, I will be 64 day after tomorrow. Never thought I would live to actually realize how it feels to listen to the Beatles "when I'm 64" and actually be there. 45 years smoking for me. How did all this happen right before my eyes?
Funny, I've now outlived all my grandparents and next year I'll pass my father. Presumably.
BTW 65 is when it stops going "sprong" But a little "better living through chemistry" fixes that.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I have two friends dealing with the Government, Mo from here
and another from Myco-Tek.

...and then people pass on as well.

All in due time! :0)



Well-Known Member
54 this year, started smoking in '72, started growing in 81, on/off for a while the kids young, outdoor yearly since about '93, went indoor March of 2013. Seen a couple of buds in my day ;)

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
Never used the marygin. Album cover or cake pan and the flap end of the rolling paper pack. Remember all those flavored papers? Perfect companion to Boone's Farm.


Well-Known Member
Fifty years ago you had to have access to a black person to buy pot. I made my first connect with an old black guy sitting in front of a liquor store in 1964. By the early 1970's the Mexican gangbangers were controlling the trade and you had to deal with them for any kind of quantity. The original bangers didn't recognize pounds and sold by the brick. Bricks were 35+ ounces and sold for $100-150 in SoCal.

Just a little history from someone who has been doing this a long time. BigSteve.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
65, medicare recipient, and just found out I have prostate cancer. Will do radiation for that and just have to deal with it. Still active with many hobbies and doing 2 kinds of niche farming.

Have grown just about everything "under the sun" during my 49 years of gardening.

A lid (oz) of great Mex sold for $10 in 1968, used to get 'acid grass' from Houston. Pound sold for $125.

Over the hill and coasting to the finish,
Uncle Ben
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Global Moderator
Staff member
65, medicare recipient, and just found out I have prostate cancer. Will do radiation for that and just have to deal with it. Still active with many hobbies and doing 2 kinds of niche farming.

Have grown just about everything "under the sun" during my 49 years of gardening.

A lid (oz) of great Mex sold for $10, used to get 'acid grass' from Houston. Pound sold for $125.

Over the hill and coasting to the finish,
Uncle Ben
Good luck on the Big C.
My 60 y/o brother just successfully got through colon C with traditional treatments, surgery & an oil regime.
Again, I wish you the best.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Thanks. Get a CT scan result back Wednesday to see if anything has spread. That's what has me worried.

Your brother is lucky, that colon cancer is NASTY. Had a friend die of it at age 21 and an Uncle die of it. I hope a cure for cancer comes soon. Novartis and a partner has developed a product for prostate cancer that looks very promising. Good stock investments too as soon as we get a correction. http://investors.tokaipharma.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=252857&p=irol-newsArticle&ID=1968837&highlight=


Well-Known Member
Damn UB, sorry to hear that, wish you the best in your fight. Been though it once with Lymphoma, can't get rid of it but it can be managed. Stay focused on yourself and your health, remove all stress factors, best of luck to you. Your garden will be a great comfort and tool in fighting this shit.