Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?


Well-Known Member
Back in the day we got a bag of some tar like weed called African black it was the most powerful shit I ever. I would love to know if anyone else has had it.


Well-Known Member
Enough about old times, lets talk about what going on now. I'm just now starting a grow of my own hybrid. I call it Spiritual Haze. It's my cross between Spiritual Punk and Super Silver Haze. Both have Northern Lights in their genes. Should be an interesting combination. Trying to get the best of both. I really like the indicas but my heart is with the sativas that I grew up with, Any other oldsters growing? Let us know.
does a 60 year old closet grower count? been doing it for 4 years now. love super silver haze and northern lights but have not had any plants hermie so don't have pollen to try cross breeding.
Just Corporate Criminals, playing with tanks.
do they have to play in my backyard?


Well-Known Member
I still dont understand why our American friends bought the mex stuff. Seems to be all seed and no strength
And i can see when people say pot is more stronger now than it was is due to this and the American experience.

Being Australian our pot was and still is mainly Asian Sativa's and has always been pretty damn good.
It's all about location... The best thing about Mexican was the profit margin... Yea, I was that guy, someone had to
do it!


Well-Known Member
Enough about old times, lets talk about what going on now. I'm just now starting a grow of my own hybrid. I call it Spiritual Haze. It's my cross between Spiritual Punk and Super Silver Haze. Both have Northern Lights in their genes. Should be an interesting combination. Trying to get the best of both. I really like the indicas but my heart is with the sativas that I grew up with, Any other oldsters growing? Let us know.
Yes officer, several of these old folks are growing


Well-Known Member
As long as some of us are bitching about Mexican who here remembers getting pot that was sprayed with sugar water. Not sure if that was to jack the weight or disguise the smell.


Well-Known Member
Me and my brother started in 79' , I lost him in 87', but I know if he could see my indoor grow he would think it's pretty cool.
And yeah I remember lids of Colombian for 35, good ole days. Also blonde hash, lemon 714s, purple microdots.
Most of view all I miss my brother, the drugs was just......... well it kinda feels empty now.
Lemon was licensed to make 'ludes cause Rorer didn't continue due to all the bitching. I lived near Ft. Washington at the time and if you knew someone who worked at Rorer you had a supplier. Them damn things were harder to quit then cigarettes.