Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

Lol, I was wondering when this would become a eugenics thread. The whole reason for a society is to protect the vulnerable. Slaying people with allergies or other perceived imperfections to improve the genetic stock doesn’t have a good track record politically.

The ancient Greeks would have left her on Mt. Olympus.
The Social Security earnings test

"Benefits can be temporarily reduced or wiped out if you claim Social Security before full retirement age and continue to work".


You really need to hold off until 67 before collecting. In fact every month you wait after 62 increases your monthly check by a few bucks. I most feel sorry for the wise guys that worked under the table for for cash. Their check will be much lower...
You really need to hold off until 67 70 before collecting. In fact every month you wait after 62 increases your monthly check by a few bucks. I most feel sorry for the wise guys that worked under the table for for cash. Their check will be much lower...
You rock Bro.
I have ZERO sense along these lines....highly technical otherwise...lol....so, pointers are appreciated.

It's sad how complicated some of these programs are (ie: Medicare). Even if you're on the ball it's easy to miss what's owed you or really important program deadlines especially when dealing with the "G". And if you're even the least little mentally diminished, you're fucked. I was talking with the gal who has cut my hair for 30 years. She turns 65 in 2 months, hasn't investigated the first thing about Medicare, and she's had a liver transplant and been "cured" of HepC. smh :(
I say get it while you can, who knows how long it's going to be around before it's bankrupt. I know plenty of people who paid their SS tax and didn't live long enough to see any money from or got very little of it before they passed.
Make sure you understand this if approaching 65

"You have six months from when you first sign up for Medicare to buy a Medigap policy and do so without the insurance company pulling up your health-care record and possibly levying higher premiums due to your medical history. This is known as the guaranteed issue period. Federal law also includes guaranteed renewability on Medigap policies, meaning that as long as you pay your premiums, the insurer can't cancel your coverage."