Hey someone told me that I should mix my urine in with water for my plants


Well-Known Member
umm....the only thing i know about piss is that if ur growing in the woods, if u piss a big circle around ur plant, it will keep animals from eating ur plant, not on the plant but around it like 3 feet away or more......

smokey green

Active Member
Does human feces make good compost for weed soil? Is my next question.
not sure about weed but my father was stationed over in Okanawa Japan for 2 years in the army back in the 50's. He said he would see them pushing around wheelburrows of shit (human) for their gardens....


You people think they only use sewage sludge as fertilizer in China, Japan and third world countries?

Night soil, bio-solids; they use it in the many parts of the United States and probably most other countries as well. There are companies, in the United States, that take bio-solids/sewage to process and turn into fertilizer which they market to farmers and apply to agricultural landscapes. Of course, in the US there are regulations that dictate how the sludge is to be processed (sanitized) and in most places I don't believe it would be allowable to use it on crops such as potatoes, or root crops/crops in which the consumable portion of the produce contacts the soil.

Bio-solids/sludge definitely is not allowed in USDA certified organic production, however states have their own laws which dictate how fertilizers may be labeled and this can sometimes cause confusion. As a result some farmers have been caught applying sludge to their certified organic crops because they didn't realize exactly what it was or that it wasn't allowed, and their certifications got pulled as a consequence of course.


Well-Known Member
Bahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhahaha aaaa hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahh aaa ha
after you piss on them you can call it r kelly kush :-)