Hey, to RIU Admin, I Got A Question

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Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
A while back ya said that there wud be a list of ppl that donated fer these new servers, and all of that.
Was there ever a thread made? If so, cud ya please give me a link?
Also, wat are ya gonna do fer ppl that already had a subscription, and still donated more than their script cost?
First, @ the time of the donation request we were TOLD there would be the list.
Secondly, the $100 that I donated was AFTER the $50 I PAID for my Elite service with. If no 1 has any answers or any thing helpful, then why respond?
Agreed, I sure don't expect a gold metal or invited over for supper. Just knowing I am helping out a community with similar interests is enough for me. I don't want my ass kissed or put on a wall of fame! But that's just me. And the elite membership is nice.
My bad,
LSD For Me

Expressed the same disdain
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