hey what kind of...

light should i use for a small auto strain, im gona be growing a strain that only gets about 12 inches high, should i use a small light and switch to a bigger light half way through or something?


Well-Known Member
with an auto u kinda need the lights as soon as u start the grow otherwise your just wasting precious growth. what strain? hindu kush?
what do you mean? so i should start it off with a light with 6500K instead of 2700K which is normally better for veg stage?


Well-Known Member
6500K and 2700K refer to the frequency of light that a plant receives, not the lumens or wattage (bigger lights).
oh ok i gotcha, well for a normal plant i would use a small led that i have and once its around 12 inches then i would switch to a 400 watt hps, the auto strain that im gona be growing only grows to around 12 inches so should i start using the 400 watt hps around 6 inches or something? mabye use the 400 watt hps throughout the whole cycle instead of starting the plant off with the small low wattage led light? also can i smoke weed and ciggarettes around my plants?



Well-Known Member
no smoking around your plants (i just quit so in my opinion the rest of the world should quit too)
and as soon as your plant can handle 400 watts of fury let em have it (i wait to 2 nodes are growing)cause as stated above your wasting important grow time
the 400 hps light i bought came with 2 lights that both said 400 watt hps on them... im pretty sure the guy i bought em off said one was for flowering and one for veg stage, i used a little led for veg and when the plant was about 12'' high i switched to the 400 watt hps and pretty much played iny mini miney mo with the bulbs, is there a way i could figure out which bulb would be better for flowering, they both look pretty different but both say 400 watt hps
with hydro ponics once the roots hit the water do i still have to water them like i normally would to get them started? like pur the water on the little cube and clay balls
i notice some people have "drippers" or what ever is that nessesary? is watering the tops (the cubes and clay balls) nessesary?