Hey yall should check out this dual spect grow room!!!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Thats ur choice but I will put a 1000 dollars my yield will be bigger than anything you got wangsta

Again, why are you so damn hostile?

I made that comment based on the info I had, which was just a picture of the stretched plant. :roll:

I dont know why your making this personal. If you want to show off your mad grow skills post some current pics.

Learn to take a joke man, read the WHOLE THREAD.

And I would take your bet, based on the fact I would never, ever do something like that to a plant, and I actually take care of my babies.:fire:

Before you get all pissed off again, Chill, No offense, happy growing and good luck.



Well-Known Member
thanks bro wait till you my outdoor green house with two 600 hps
Ya know, if you're growing in an outdoor greenhouse you can actually just use the Sun as your light source and save the money you would have spent on the lights and electricity. You probably won't get as good of a yield using only the Sun without the additional two 600w HPS systems, but in the end you'll really save some $$.


New Member
so what hang them from the roof ??? hum doesnt sound to safe to me
Poor baby is fucked....Theres so many horribly placed light sources she doesnt even know what to do.

You need to put the lights OVER the plant.... You really only need 1 till you decide to flower.



Well-Known Member
so what hang them from the roof ??? hum doesnt sound to safe to me

Hang lights from the roof?? Yeah that sure does sound dangerous.......

I gotta ask, are you serious? Or are you really this oblivious?

Starting to look like you start arguments to get people to look at your crappy thread...

Im out, enjoy your abomination of a plant.



New Member
Well ur saying ur not dissing but at the same time u say my shit looks bunk, lets see whaT UR WORKIN WIT MR PRO

Why are you so hostile man, No one is dissing you or saying you cant grow. People were making jokes about the revegging plant.

If you actually read it, no offense was ever intended by me.

I actually would like to see how the clones turn out from the revegging plant.



Well-Known Member
I said that one plant is fucked, which it is. I never said anything about your other shit.

you can go look at my grow if you want to see "what im workin with" 32 healthy plants starting flower cycle.


Well-Known Member
You ignorant prick. You can requote the SAME THING over and Over and Over, Even after I said it was a joke, but it doesnt change the fact it was a joke based on the limited info.

I said it was a joke, I tried being nice, and you are still a hostile prick.

Get over it.

Newbie? You have no rep, no healthy plants, and no skills and you call me a newbie?

Grow up, learn to grow, and get over yourself.

What are you gonna do when people stop responding to your BS? Sit at home by yourself with no friends like you did before you made this thread?



Well-Known Member
Ur gay<<<<<<
Really? What are you 12? This site is 18+....grow up

Man your ignorant, You quote a fucking joke and take it seriously?

"I hope so"....I was hoping that it was a revegged plant, not done on purpose????

Whats so fucking difficult to understand?

This is the last time Im responding to your ignorant BS. Have fun arguing with yourself.



New Member
SO THATS A BET RIGHT? this just a early mom that I revegged go take your comment s to the newbies
Again, why are you so damn hostile?

I made that comment based on the info I had, which was just a picture of the stretched plant. :roll:

I dont know why your making this personal. If you want to show off your mad grow skills post some current pics.

Learn to take a joke man, read the WHOLE THREAD.

And I would take your bet, based on the fact I would never, ever do something like that to a plant, and I actually take care of my babies.:fire:

Before you get all pissed off again, Chill, No offense, happy growing and good luck.



New Member
then mgoodbye newbie show me what ur working with og
Man your ignorant, You quote a fucking joke and take it seriously?

"I hope so"....I was hoping that it was a revegged plant, not done on purpose????

Whats so fucking difficult to understand?

This is the last time Im responding to your ignorant BS. Have fun arguing with yourself.



New Member
so Ur telling me with coco on a drain Tray is taking car of my plants go listen dsome lil wayne then tell me u got the real deal thenif ur "gangsat enough send me some cuts of ur so called bomb dig
Again, why are you so damn hostile?

I made that comment based on the info I had, which was just a picture of the stretched plant. :roll:

I dont know why your making this personal. If you want to show off your mad grow skills post some current pics.

Learn to take a joke man, read the WHOLE THREAD.

And I would take your bet, based on the fact I would never, ever do something like that to a plant, and I actually take care of my babies.:fire:

Before you get all pissed off again, Chill, No offense, happy growing and good luck.



Well-Known Member
I would bet any amount of money you found that pic on google, and cropped it....What kinda grower in their right mind would put a pic of their girl on a website you talk about growing weed on...

You got nothing..
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