
yes, the one im grpowing from the pack is very pungent allready and is female so i have no idea what it is but its going to be a good strain im sure. im going to take somer cuts and throw them into flower bar one that will be kept as a mother. the large plant is going outside this year, im just giving it a head start, shes 2 1/2 foot tall allready
I took a cutting off this one too before i figured out for sure she wasnt an auto.. just to experiment a bit. (i read you cant take cuttings off autos) Its sitting on the kitchen windowsill thriving so may throw that into the lights when this one is done... if it turns out tasty
yes you can take cuts from autos, but its not worth it in my opinion, if your looking for a plant to keep it photos all the way. when you find a pheno you like then you can grow it again, with an auto ,you have to seed it to keep it going
im thinking of getting one of stitches super auto 100 day from seed to smoke aparently, ive not herd of many people growing them for some reason. wether its because there crap or people are just wary of them living up to there cllaims i dont know. but its got to be worth a crack
Might as well give it a go and report back. Im only starting my journey but i plan on experimenting with all sorts. I enjoy gardening and growing plants anyway so this is really just an extension of that. Ive learnt so much researching how to grow cannabis, all my other normal plants are healthier than ever. I plan on having my home like a jungle soon. Plants make me happier.
same here love my plants and growing, i have 3 polly tunnels fullof plants and veg n fruit with two tunnels ,one with netting for fruit and one smaler for asparagus.
one is 90foot by 18 foot, two are 45 foot by 18 foot and one is about 20 foot by 12 foot. the netted one is 40 foot by 20 foot and the asparagus one is 12 foot by 10 foot.
and we have 3 fields totaling 6 1/2 acres, so loads of space for growing.
one of my fields is going to be dedicated to oak and ash trees, i want a small woodland to chill out in, so i have 12 oak trees to plant up this summer and as many ash trees as i want as there prolific round here and pop up everywhere. im planning on introducing wold orchids and bluebells and making it a haven for wildlife. my smoking chill out woodland.
i want to entice as many differant kinds of animals and amphibians as possible, its one acer field with a stream at the bottom of it and an old ambulance that i turned into a live in caravan wiith toilet kitchen and double bed. cupboards and all, perfect for one or two to live in
same here love my plants and growing, i have 3 polly tunnels fullof plants and veg n fruit with two tunnels ,one with netting for fruit and one smaler for asparagus.
one is 90foot by 18 foot, two are 45 foot by 18 foot and one is about 20 foot by 12 foot. the netted one is 40 foot by 20 foot and the asparagus one is 12 foot by 10 foot.
and we have 3 fields totaling 6 1/2 acres, so loads of space for growing.
one of my fields is going to be dedicated to oak and ash trees, i want a small woodland to chill out in, so i have 12 oak trees to plant up this summer and as many ash trees as i want as there prolific round here and pop up everywhere. im planning on introducing wold orchids and bluebells and making it a haven for wildlife. my smoking chill out woodland.
i want to entice as many differant kinds of animals and amphibians as possible, its one acer field with a stream at the bottom of it and an old ambulance that i turned into a live in caravan wiith toilet kitchen and double bed. cupboards and all, perfect for one or two to live in
Aww you are living the dream! i would honestly love to own a vineyard or something, or just live in the woods away from everything! Im in the process of sorting out my back garden to be my little private haven and have plans to grow more veg this year in raised beds. Not done anything other than strawberries, tomato's and herbs so far, in recent years. But planning on potatos, carrots, cabbage, onions and things like that. I think now more than ever is the time to start growing our own fresh produce. People dont realise how easy some of it is. Just takes a little time, and its enjoyable! If i can fit a small polly tunnel i think i will go for one of those too, for starting bits and bobs off. Would definitely like to have a go at growing some rare flowers too :)
im looking into growing orchids as they grow wild on our property. its actuly illegal to pick or to collect seeds from them, but theres nothing about leaving pots of soil around them as they shed there seeds he he, wicked way around the illegality of it i thaught, im quite chuffed about the idea
also ,a polly tunnel is realy handy at the end of the growing season as you can bring your plants in to finnish off b 4 the rain destroyes them with bud rot. it gets real wet here ware i live
Same.. probably get a week of good weather a year haha! There'd be no chance of me growing bud outdoors. Maybe if we got an especially nice summer but even then its four seasons in one day kind of deal. That plan is genuis btw.. :P i had no idea you cant collect their seeds. Such beautiful, delicate flowers
yes, there protected and on the decline as more and more kland get houses built on the very land they grow on. which puzzels me how they can get away with it. the people resposible for granting permishon to build houses cant be doing here job properly
Im still going! and i think i owe an apology to the seeds man. I was given a free seed along with the ones i bought, i thought for sure the free one didnt make it.. i must have got them mixed up. But now i know more about her that she has grown, things are starting to make sense. The reason she is huge is because she is an Incredible Bulk Photo. I flipped her after a long veg as i was waiting for it to automatically do its thing (as i thought it was an auto for a while) Didnt realise the free seed was a photo!

Anyway, she now stands nearly as tall as me. Ive had to get creative with my DIY set up and gradually lifted the frame up with books as she grew. Now well into flower with a couple to few weeks to go, i think. Im back to check when i last posted as i mentioned when i flipped. To know more accurately where im at. Although ive learned to just trust my gut with the whole process. Ive been getting such weird smells this past few days and i freaked thinking it was mould, but with a bit of research it appears it is the terpenes. Isovareric acid most likely the culprit.. and pinene..