
Hey i am about to grow lowryder indoors and i really need to find out what soil,nutrients etc.. i need could some one point me in the right direction its my first time growin


Well-Known Member
im not sure with autos for nutes but many people will tell u to get this soil or that soil its all really up to u and how much u want to spend, i personly like black gold coco mix its organic has no nute in it so u control the nutes holds water fine but u should add some perlite to it, also its cheap for how much u get
Cheers i am nervous starting for fear of ruining but its trial and error hopefully. It seems lowryder is the easiest to grow and really quick aswell


Well-Known Member
yes i heard lowryder is good but i think its an auto flower, but im not sure, are u planning on just one plant or more
i was going to use a 400 watt lamp i forget what its called but it said on a site i should use up to a 400 watt is that correct?


Well-Known Member
that is perfect, if their all autos to u could probably get more under their, its either a hps or a mh lamp
cheers man i am now of to bed if you have any more usefull info let me know again thanks a mill i will throw pics up of the plants over time thanks