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Big Perm

Well-Known Member
I posted this in another thread, but deleted it because that wasn't fair to the OP. I made this one instead.

Hot topic around here for some growers at least is HGL. I remember when Dyna-Gro first showed up, what the drama was like. Does anyone else? Anyway, this was the post, it had quotes, but I took them out.

Everyone. She puts her phone number out there. Pick up the phone and call her. You don't have to tell her your screen name.
I can see that a lot of people are pre-judging. People that have never talked to her, or ran her gear.
I've talked to her on the phone, and Steve. Email, text, phone. They are both cool as hell people.
All I'm saying is give people a chance.
I've got no problems with anyone. Haven't pissed off any of the manufacturers, nor have I given them any reason to in any business.
I don't see why these can't be friendly competitions between competitors. The manufacturers aren't arguing with each other. Why people have so much hatred, I don't understand. Yes there are a lot of stories out there. There are also two sides to a story. There are also disgruntled customers for whatever reason. Some are a little crazier than others, just saying I've seen it myself.
A few members here I see are hating with such blind passion, it's crazy. Almost crazy enough to me that it is possible that a few people might go above and beyond, and actually try to take the person down. I can name a few members right here that have sworn that oath, actually. (I see it with Dyna-Gro and other companies, too and so do you)
These people have never spoken to her, and have never ran her gear. Why the hatred?
I really don't get it. Yes I have read everything that anyone can post up here. There are also a lot of things they are not posting, like her side of the story. 10 years to be in business under the same name, that's not a scammer.
She obviously knows the law, and is good with contracts, as any smart business person would be, I would think. If you don't read the contract, you're kind of fucked in any business transaction. After someone feels like they got burnt, it quickly starts to turn into a scam.
What is the scam anyway? Has anyone asked? I am now. What's the scam?
Here is an example:
Someone sees a light on her site, wants to buy it and does. Gets it, thinks whatever of it, and wants to send it back within the 120 days. They are going to get 100% of their money back, correct? You'd better read that return policy, or you are going to be running around yelling scammer, because the answer is no but it was right there the whole time.
For RIU members, from the very beginning she said that she truly will make it a 100% risk free trial, and you won't pay a penny if you return the lights. Hell she's even sending shipping labels out for them to be sent back to her right now from someone. (Also, if you don't send the lights back that's stealing. It's over $500 or whatever, so it's not small claims court, it is theft. What happens when you are in possession of stolen products and the owner of those products knows where the products are? I don't have to connect too many dots, but the law gets involved at some point. A house visit will probably be made, at a minimum. Just saying.)
You could even say they are the best lights I've ever seen, but I want my money back....Done. Don't feel safe having it mailed to your house? Come on guys how do you get your seeds when you are feeling paranoid? Do that then.
My point....what was my point....sorry smoked about halfway through. Now that this is here though, I can come back to it.:peace:
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Exibit B

Everyone knows I like Dyna-Gro. (I'm pretty sure everyone knows this anyway) I'll eat crow right here right now if anyone can quote a link of me slinging shit about another nutrient company in the 10 years that I have been here. I'll wait...

Matter of fact:
These are my pictures.

My point in this post is you don't have to sling shit all over another company to prove a point. There are other ways to prove a point, if there is a point you want to prove.
You also catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. Something my mom told me.
I like Dyna-Gro, and got wrapped up in this whole conspiracy theory over it from another companies fanboi's. Now that time has passed what is the verdict on that?
The verdict is it was all bullshit, unless someone would like to correct me.
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Also FYI. I'm getting the Rspec from Steve. Thank you so much Steve, that was fucking awesome of you to do! But he didn't send it to me to run against HGL, actually. We had talked about this light long before HGL even came here. I was going to run it in my competition tent, originally.
Then HGL showed up and it was quite the entrance. 100% money back guarantee, so why not. I know that I can run these lights in a comparison without any prejudice; favoritism; bigotry; etc., and I also know that I can run these in a damn near perfect environment against each other (I can dedicate 2 side-by-side 4x4's to it). So after I ordered her lights, and after Steve agreed to send me the light for the competition tent, I asked them both if I could run them against each other. They both said 'Sure'. So, that's what I am going to do.
are tagged in this to correct any misinformation.
HGL are done. Fin. Over.

The scam artist/rat got rekt, now move on, buddy.

Stephens lights are the real deal. look forward to seeing how you get on with em

peace out :peace:
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