HGS Blueberry.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone grown this? I have a buddy that is a complete blueberry fanatic. He tasted the good pheno years ago and wants to hunt it down.


Well-Known Member
I grew the Electric Fruit Punch which is blueberry x mango. The desired pheno of EFP tastes like fruit loops, has a great Christmas tree structure, and is a 50/50 body/mind high. Seems like everyone is looking for that blueberry muffin pheno that is impossible to find. I would grab several packs from several breeders if I were going to hunt for a true quality blueberry.


Well-Known Member
i have asked this question myself, have grown HGS gear, and it's pretty good gear
no one answered, but HGS isn't the most heavily used breeder here
the prices are very reasonable, DJ's sounds good, but the price! and even then i've seen a good number of complaints of not finding what they were looking for in a pack
which struck me as a bit risky for such pricey seeds