HHmm whats the crack with these.


ok will take some pics when the light goes out which will be in about 1hr 30mins. The ph is around 6.5, is that what its meant to be. am just into week 4 of flower using cana pro soil. am feeding them every 1.5 days? not sure if thats correct. using a 600watt hps the height is about 40 to 50cm away from top of canopy. Is there any more info u will need? cheers


Well-Known Member
ph sounds good, when you say feed every 1.5 days what do you mean? you water every day and a half and feed each watering? sounds like a bit much.


ph sounds good, when you say feed every 1.5 days what do you mean? you water every day and a half and feed each watering? sounds like a bit much.
aye mate watering with feed every day and a half are you thinking thats to much? If so how would you suggest i feed and water them? i have a few more pics here with the light out.

The top leafs near the canopy seem to be fine and the lower ones seem to have the problems?

cheers again for the info and help.


Active Member
Is it really that foggy in there? Could be a moisture issue, but looks like PH to me. Aim for a water/soil PH of about 6.5. =)


haha no its not that foggy just poor picture quality mate, the ph is around 6.5 as i check it every time i feed them.


any suggestions?? i have been reading other threads with people having the same problem and there seems to be alot of different answers. people say on other threads it is heat problems but my temp is ok as i keep it between 72 to 76 very rarely goes above or below. others have said nitrogen, light height, ph levels etc etc. Am only guna find out by eliminating the obvious. so as i recently increased the the feed from evry 2 days to evry day and a half and i also increased the feed im going to go back to what i was doing water with feed every 2 days. will i benefit from a flush tho? i have also heightened the light as it was pretty close to the canopy as some say this could be the cause aswell??


Well-Known Member
After looking at the pics i do not believe it is overfeeding in that sense. However you may have a salt buildup from all the feeding, try taking 3 times as much water as you have soil and flush it through. When you water are you just doing it according to a pre-set schedule no matter what or are you waiting for the pots to become light again? as for eliminating things 1. Your temps are absolutely fine, if you were in the lower to mid 90's and dont have good ventilation it might be enough to do some damage. but your completely safe.
2. Did you check your soil ph or is that number that the ph of the water going in is? a ph of 6.5 is right where you want to be, anywhere between 6.0 and 7.0 is acceptable, preferbly more in the middle, i ph my water to between 6.4-6.7 myself.
3. It's not the light being too close, light burned leaves have a totally different look from any of what your plants showing.


yes im am doing as it says on the bottle 5ml of feed to every 1ltr of water. i put in 1.5ltr of water through the soil until it starts comin through the bottom. i have done this every 1 and a half days regardless if the soil is dry or damp. my mate says i could be drowning the plants so he advised me to wait a few days until th soil is dry then flush with added fairy washing up liquid? is that right. i do not check the ph of the soil just what goes into it as i dont have anything to check the soil with.


Well-Known Member
for sure let it dry out. To test soil go ahead and give it a good watering and collect some of your run off water and test that. You can add a wetting agent(ie soap) if you want, but i dont usually. If your soil is real compacted i would though.