Hi all newbie here..


Active Member
Hi all,

Hoping to get some great advice from you all. I'm another low budget begginer. Got a 10 pack of lowryder auto's on the way (confirmed yesterday). Haven't built the box yet, will get to that before they arrive. Intend to use CFL's first time round (highest wattage i can get my hands on), cheaper, less heat so less venting. Have done alot of research so i wont ask the terribly novice stuff like cycles and such, but a bit of help here and there would be awesome.

Believe it or not *lol* but i am actually growing for medical reasons (don't know if its common on forums like these, no offence), fucked knees legs back and neck, i got hit by a drunk driver - go figure.
I would rather smoke than chew pills like i have been doing for the last 18 months. Doctors can give me no good news and future looks no better, mates told me i should give the "herb" a go and although i'm not cured ... i am finding it much easier to get to sleep and the pain seems more tolerable. Also, without realizing it but i think i was a bit depressed - as since i have started smoking dope my missus and i don't argue as much. I been eating MST's (yes, morphine ) in a big way along with 4 and sometimes 7 other prescription nasties. And since smoking dope i have cut my pills by half and get on better with my partner, i don't get so constipated from all the meds and my appetite coming back.

I was buying "it" for a while but i don't have much money because i cant work and i didn't like the people you gotta deal with here, and even worse i hate giving them what little $ i have, so my only other alternative is to risk a grow.

I used to smoke a tiny bit 10 years ago but i quit when my babies came along.

The way i see it my choice is simple... Pharmaceutical - or - Farm-a-natural.

Im going with the natural.

Will keep you posted.


Well-Known Member
Lowryder is a great choice for a first grow. It was my very first when I started a few years ago and remains a fav auto.....Good luck with'em and keep us posted.


Active Member
Lowryder is a great choice for a first grow.
Yeah i hunted around a bit, seems like the best ones to start with in my opinion are the autos. Also helps me perfect my Grow cabinet (not even built yet).
Could you tell me roughly what your dry weight harvest was, im curious - most reports suggest between 20g to 30g.