Hi all, question about growing in an apartment. Ventelation, apartment vents, and AC


Hi everyone... I'm in my first grow and new to the forums. I have a cabinet grow going and had a question (see my post in the grow room, I could use more suggestions there too, haha).

I've been combating some crazy smell coming from my 5 plants (4 White Widows and another unknown due to stupidity, haha). Through use of carbon filter, an IQair air purifier, and coffee, I think I've gotten it somewhat under control (I still occasionally smell it, not sure why...). Then I thought of something...

I live in a six-plex condo... it basically looks like a three story apartment building with six units total. I'm on the first floor. In this complex we have steam heating, so we have a water broiler system that heats up water and sends heat through the building. I'm wondering, how possible is it that any scent would be able to travel through the vents to other units? It would seem like it would just be a one way system, but I'm not too sure about that. Anyone know how that would work? Obviously scent is the leading cause of people getting busted and I have a police chief living on the top level, eek!

My second question deals with air conditioning. My cabinet is in my second bedroom.... it has one window, no fan and the 600HPS light is making it HOT AS HELL in the room!!! I'm wondering if I get a portable air conditioner and AC the room... I'm assuming that any scents will be blown out... that equals bad in my situation... how can I cool off the room? I keep the door closed because I have cats and I don't want them in that room because it is my music lounge and I don't want hair and whatever they have in there along with any other things they might have on them to harm the plants or my guitars. Would there be a way to put another carbon filter on the ac unit exhaust? Anyone have any suggestions?



Active Member
hahahahah with apolice on top and u want to grow... just move from there... not oinly bad idea.. but STUPID also... if no good vent with a 600w ur floor can get ruined... if wood... bur srsly.. if theres a police in ur building.. he can realize ur growin fast... if u make some mistakes... ur ass is good in jail just move and grow without taking even more risks... dont push it to hard


Haha.... Legal or not, nothing wrong with being cautious, that is not the issue here. People who are legal don't want any more hassle from LE then needed. Plus LE is not the only concern; wouldn't want other people knowing what I'm doing. Nobody wants their a window smashed from people wanting to score what's inside.

Just askin for a little advice on smells and ventilation from people who have a great deal more experience than me. The cabinet air is being scrubbed on the fan outtake, however, I'm still getting some smell leaked out. It seems to be under control with other other things that I've done, but again, just wondering if there is another way that I can get some AC in that room as added protection.

Thanks guys!


Active Member
The vents more than likely don't link together. I've seen lots of blueprints for apts. If you pay your on light bill ur good.

But fuck! A cheif on top of you. That's cool. Like laughing in the face of the law.


New Member
dude i grew white widow in a apartment complex, yah if it wasnt in the ghetto i definetly would have gotten busted, all the people in building figured out what was up after a month and they tried 2 come thru my front door with guns and i had 2 beat some black guy half 2 death n my dog chased the other off. yah and this wasnt a bad apartment complex really. and then after that didnt work they started trying 2 blackmail me calling me sayn they were guna snitch, so i moved n got a gun. next time their guna be some nubian brains all over the hallway cuz i aint playn that shit next time.


Well-Known Member
dude i grew white widow in a apartment complex, yah if it wasnt in the ghetto i definetly would have gotten busted, all the people in building figured out what was up after a month and they tried 2 come thru my front door with guns and i had 2 beat some black guy half 2 death n my dog chased the other off. yah and this wasnt a bad apartment complex really. and then after that didnt work they started trying 2 blackmail me calling me sayn they were guna snitch, so i moved n got a gun. next time their guna be some nubian brains all over the hallway cuz i aint playn that shit next time.
People are fucking scummy. I'm green to all this I've lived in middle class suburbia my whole life. Sounds really unpleasant


Well-Known Member
You have a 600 watt HPS going in a cabinet with no inline? Confused... But anyways -- I guess the last thing you could do is get one of those o zone generators from wal-mart. Just be careful because they are not healthy for inhabitants. It will definitely kill the smell though.

And sure if you can afford an AC unit go ahead. I'd say even 5000 BTU's will be enough to keep that area cool. Keep in mind though that it will look odd to have an AC unit in a window running at odd hours of the night. I walk down the alley in my neighborhood and hear the same 2 air conditioners going at 3am in the apartment building that never opens its blinds. Mind you the weather is not at all severe enough to be cooped up inside with the AC on either. But i'm in Cali that's just how it is around here.

Law enforcement is always something to keep in mind. However, most cops are bias idiots always plan a strong legal defense, and you will have nothing to worry about.


Well-Known Member
You should really invest in a carbon filter and exhaust the air out through a sealed conduit. I exhausted mine into the wall in my condo grows, and had fresh air coming in from the bedroom to the closet. I had a sheriff in the same building who also patrolled the complex. After moving from there years ago I realized how crazy I was for doing what I did. My parents thought I was crazy too when they saw it. I did 4 grows for a total of around 6-7 lbs. over 3 years. I don't sell excess, so I've thrown a lot away, given a lot to friends who I smoke with, and made honey oil out of a lot. I understand where you're at with it now, and I'm just giving you some tips:

Get carbon filter
Ge an inline fan or two with cooltube for that 600w
Get CO2 tank/regulator + A/C and seal your room(done that, works well)
Keep things short and polite with neighbors
Never smoke on your porch/balcony if you don't have your card
Harvest and trim in your room with the carbon filter running.
When you move return the place 100% back to original standards(don't give people fuel against good, responsible growers)
Don't sell your shit. Smoke it and share it.



New Member
most of all dude just dont get greedy, you can pull a 4 plant grow off pretty easily and affordably, and if your a fast learner you should start getting good budds off even your 1st grow, and it only gets bettter from there, i wasnt tryn 2 scare you with that story dude but its some real shit, and that was in a very conservative Southern State in the Suburbs when they tried 2 run up in my shit, if they think your growing dude, in their mind they see a whole big house full of weed n money, even though thats what very few legal grows look anything like. needless 2 say they werent 2 happy w me and i ended up seeing the 1 black dude my dog bit at a gas station and i started walkn 2wards him, 1st he tried 2 pretend like he had a gun(he didnt) haha he got so scared when i punched him in the face anyhow he jumped in the car w some gurl n flicked me off n skirted off. hes lucky i aint no snitch, cuz my grow room was empty at the time n easily could have called the cops n told them everything, i even found out his name but i think that jus scared em even more, they were like fuck that white boy likes 2 fight, fuck this. hahaha


Well-Known Member
I would grow some Blue Dream in there. That way you wouldn't need a carbon filter. They don't smell at ALL. It wasn't until I started growing White Widow that my apartment started smelling like weed all the time. Seriously though, I'm sure there are more strains that aren't stinky.