I am from a place where I knew where to go and had lots of hookups. I have now moved to a place which advertises itself (even brags) as being a premium party place where I should be scoring with ease (tripping over dealers lol) when in reality when I chat someone up in campustown bars, hangouts for locals, coffee shops, etc I often get a blank look and a shrug (duh, I dunno man) even from some who I have spent a lot of wasted time with. I have even been kicked out of a dive strip club when one of the dancers I invested a lap dance in (that part was ok. lol) told the bouncers I asked if she knew where I could hook up. This man said in a Buford T Justice type voice "our town has a zero tolerance policy for drugs" Yeah, like I was trying to buy crack. lol. UNBELIEVABLE. Therefore I want to grow and find a strain or method that works fast because I feel like I have fell asleep and landed on Mars. Champaign urbana brags about how hard they party but it seems that actions dont follow. I have actually witnessed frat houses with reps for blowouts dark on most friday and saturday nights during the school year. Major Tom to ground control: r u sure u guys didnt screw up the flight plan? lol . Anywho, end of rant and open to suggestions and most of all Hi to all.