Hi ec and ppm after mixing nutrients

The only PH pens that have lasted well for me were kept in KCL storage solution at all times. I agree with OldMedUser that quality matters, ESPECIALLY with PH meters. EC/PPM meters are a lesser technology, but I still think we should get decent brands for each because they are so important. I've had a crappy PH pen almost a ruin a grow back in the day.
I try to just see it as pre calmagged water lol.

yeah the mineral build up is brutal. I have a fogger I need to run some types of mushrooms and if I don’t add vinegar or something it’ll totally clog the whole thing up and I have to chisel it off. I’ve got a plant in coir right now that’s been in the same pot for about 20 weeks, the whole pot is almost white now.

Also if you run the tap hot and fill up a glass it looks exactly like milk, it’s pretty gnarly. If you drink it regularly it’ll give you kidney stones.

If anybody ever needed an RO unit it's you for sure. I had a kidney stone just a week after having an emergency appendectomy 3 years ago and the pain was in-fucking-credible! After just having abdominal surgery I was totally freaked out not knowing what was going on and thinking the stitches blew out inside or something. Was December and we just had a snow storm so couldn't get out of the driveway and called an ambulance. Howling like a wolf until about 5km from the hospital when the pain reached it's peak then suddenly died off. The stone had made it's way to the bladder and it was only 4mm. When I pissed it out at the hospital it stung but wasn't too bad. Was pissed off I didn't think to piss thru a seive and save the stone. Would have made a cool ear stud for this old hippy. :)

We only drink RO water as the tap water comes from a dugout and isn't potable. We give it to the pets and chickens and they do fine with it but not for human consumption.
