Hi everyone. This is my first grow and the grow room i have set up. What ya think?


Active Member
Hey shrig lad...

Yeah i considered the blue spectrum but apparently the HPS Im using have enough blue in there spectrum. And as the lady's are nearing 3 foot i want to keep them short but fat. And i have lots of bamboo canes to steady the heavy flowers....

Altho I may have to invest in some more ONA If the smell gets too potent and i can smell it outside. But i think it should be covered with the 2 scrubbers with ONA in the ducting.. I also have 2 ONA in the room and another 2 in my house.

I would prefer to have the smell of sweet weed throughout but such is life....lol Ahhhhh the smell of fresh linen is so good.
yea i bet, i mean dont you grow so you can smelllll that sweet bud? ahhh i love it lol. i swear thats what gods vagina smells like. its gonna be depressing when i cant smell it cause of all the cover ups. a little piece of me will die that day :p



Well-Known Member
yea i bet, i mean dont you grow so you can smelllll that sweet bud? ahhh i love it lol. i swear thats what gods vagina smells like. its gonna be depressing when i cant smell it cause of all the cover ups. a little piece of me will die that day :p

Sure Im growing for the smell too HC, but its on a need to know basis and nobody else need's to know. lol



Well-Known Member
AHH duel spectrum lamps:roll: Im giving them ago next time round, they have a higher lumin ratio than the equivilent standard hps. As for your smell coverup im pinching your ona block in the ducting idea, thanks dude;-)


Well-Known Member
Hey DTB aka TARZAN aka MOWGLY (lol)

Just thought i would drop by and say nice one for the package today bro.

Gonna plus rep you for sending me the SPIN and HOT SHOT.

Took the girls out of the room today to spray them down with the SPIN mixed 500ml water with 2 teaspoons of SPIN sprayed them under and above the leaves and then sprayed the rest over the top of the soil so that there was about an inch of wetness on the top of the soil.

Thanks once again bro.



Well-Known Member
Hey DTB aka TARZAN aka MOWGLY (lol)

Just thought i would drop by and say nice one for the package today bro.

Gonna plus rep you for sending me the SPIN and HOT SHOT.

Took the girls out of the room today to spray them down with the SPIN mixed 500ml water with 2 teaspoons of SPIN sprayed them under and above the leaves and then sprayed the rest over the top of the soil so that there was about an inch of wetness on the top of the soil.

Thanks once again bro.

No worry's J lad. I sprayed mine yesterday. It killed the 30 lady bug's i had in there, so if there were any other critters they will be dead too. I'll be out hunting for some more lady birds on the weekend to replemish stock's.

But it can only be a good sign that the war is over. And Im the victorious one....lol



Active Member
Hey not to sure how t work this threads as im new, but i saw your pics at only 5days n they look very good, mynes llook not even half as good as yours and thats after a week+, any idea as to why this would be, im using a 250watt, multi compost and pearlite if that helps??


Well-Known Member
Hey not to sure how t work this threads as im new, but i saw your pics at only 5days n they look very good, mynes llook not even half as good as yours and thats after a week+, any idea as to why this would be, im using a 250watt, multi compost and pearlite if that helps??

Erm Im not too sure. There could be many factor's. I.e Light's, medium, nutrition, Heat, ventilation, etc etc.

Did you grow from seed? I started with small clones of around 3-5cm. any info you have and a pic or too would help.



Well-Known Member
Hey Dan

Just reviving your thread so it stays on the first page.

Not seen anything after putting that strip in so many many thanks TARZAN.

Gave them another spray on the medium too.

They're gonna die die die lol.

Update Danny boy???????

Come on Come on i wanna see how they're getting on. lol.

Update from me tomorrow!!!



Well-Known Member
Hey J lad, HC.


Hi everyone!!!!!

Its day 28 flower. And the lady's are growing very well after the flush last weekend. Lot's of pic's today... The first set of pic's show how i made the reflector for 1 of my 125w CLF light's. The other will be done during next week and added to the room. I will take photo's of this as always and update.

2nd set of pic's are of the room and some of the Lady's i took out when fitting in the extra light.

They bud's are starting to spiral up them stem's. I think this is going to be something special.......:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

Cannabis porn:weed:



Well-Known Member
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tarzan you rock!!!!!

they are looking amazing.

Great idea with the reflector.
And as always very well put together.

Im gonna +rep you for the way the girls are looking!!!!!



Well-Known Member
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tarzan you rock!!!!!

they are looking amazing.

Great idea with the reflector.
And as always very well put together.

Im gonna +rep you for the way the girls are looking!!!!!

LOL thank's mate. I new you would enjoy the pic's and the reflector i made...

And thanks for the rep J.......:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
I tried giving you some rep but it told me to spread it around before i could give you some more.

When ive spread it i'll + u!!!

Great job tho bro really great job.

How many days you looking for your flowering??? 65? 75? or until the trichs tell you?



Well-Known Member
I tried giving you some rep but it told me to spread it around before i could give you some more.

When ive spread it i'll + u!!!

Great job tho bro really great job.

How many days you looking for your flowering??? 65? 75? or until the trichs tell you?

I got a microscope so when the tritche's are milky them it's harvesting time. prob another 5 week's to go. Cant wait for it.........


Well-Known Member
personally i would wait for a couple of ambers not to many if you still want that head high but with a hint of couchlock, Thats when i harvested the big girl. I waited until i had a few amber heads here and there and then harvested.
If i had as many as you i would harvest a few different ones when just milky then when a couple of ambers and then when 70ish% are amber so that you have a smoke for every occasion.
A nice heady one for during the day
a slightly harder hitting one for the evening and a 1 spliff wrecking machine for the night lol.

Just my opinion then again you might be a lightweight lol lol lol joking.



Well-Known Member
Gonna get back off to the hydro shop and exchange my 6.5L's for the 11L's that i actually paid for when i bought them.



Well-Known Member
personally i would wait for a couple of ambers not to many if you still want that head high but with a hint of couchlock, Thats when i harvested the big girl. I waited until i had a few amber heads here and there and then harvested.
If i had as many as you i would harvest a few different ones when just milky then when a couple of ambers and then when 70ish% are amber so that you have a smoke for every occasion.
A nice heady one for during the day
a slightly harder hitting one for the evening and a 1 spliff wrecking machine for the night lol.

Just my opinion then again you might be a lightweight lol lol lol joking.

Interesting thought. I will look into it some more... :leaf: