Hi Everyone!

Hi guys,

i'm a new member on this forum but this isn't the first time i've grown. i used to do it back when i was in college with a basic bucket hydroponics set up. as my user name suggests, i'm planning on growing again once i can retire. I find growing to be therapeutic in and of itself, the crops are as well. anyway, just saying hi and hope to contribute what i can and learn from you all as well.


Well-Known Member
what up man welcome to RIP and let me be the first to say that i owe a lot of what i know to this wed page as long as your ready and willing to learn then this is the right place to do so so good luck and welcome if theres any thing i can do to help out just send me a message and i will get back to you with the best advise i can give so good luck .

also just remanber to have fun with it and the main growing rule of them all kiss keep it sempale stuppied and im sure you will be fine